Cecil wrote:Also, do your admins usually encourage such flames?
Sorry, I get bored sometimes

Drocket wrote:Bush's oil buddies have wanted to build a pipeline across Afganistan for quite a while now, but the Taliban refused to go along with the deal. Thats why Bush spent so much time kissing up to them the first year he was in office. When they still refused, he simply moved on to plan B: take what he wants by force.
Top Pentagon officials cancel 9-11 travel plans the day before.
Of course. They knew something was up.
2 Israeli office workers near the WTC recieved detailed warnings 2 hours before the attack.
Proof? And please don't point me to the long-winded, incomprehensible gobbly-gook that you linked to before, or Google searches that simply bring up more of the same.
FBI hold these men as 9-11 suspects, but they are eventually deported.
Could it be that they had nothing to do with the attack? No, of course not. Its a conspiracy.
It think it would have been a bit suspicious for the hijackers to take their car with them as carry-on luggage.
It is unlikely that the sophisticated perpatrators of 9-11 would bother using fake IDs that point blame on their own people.
The entire POINT of terrorist activity is to spread a message (stop doing X or we'll blow you up when you're least expecting it.) If no one knows who commited the terrorist act, there's no message attached to it, making the whole thing moot.
In January India arrests 11 arab preachers boarding a flight on suspicion that the are hijackers. It turns out however that they were actually Israeli nationals and are eventually released.
Could it be that it was simply a misunderstanding? No wait, that's right, its a conspiracy.
Bush claimed he thought the first impact was due to pilot incompetance. When informed about the second impact he continues to read to kids a story about a little goat.
Bush being dense and incompetent - who woulda thunk it?
German intelligence suggest a conspiracy, ?The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement?to hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers,? said von Bülow in the Tagesspiegel interview. ?This is unthinkable, without years of support from state intelligence services." He also suggest brainwashing/propaganda in the US.
They practiced on Microsoft Fight Simulator. Didn't you hear?
Boston airport security was handled by Huntleigh USA which is owned by Israeli companies. They are being sued for gross negligence.
Israeli security companies benefiting from increased demand after 9-11.
Aren't these a tad contradictory?
WTC engineer calls collapse of WTC unbelievable. WTC was designed to withstand airplane impact.
Intended to withstand impact from small commuter planes that might crash by accident, not major commercial transport jets deliberately steered into them.
The total collapse of WTC 1, WTC 2, AND WTC 7 (which was never even hit by a plane!) were all perfectly symmetrical and methodical. The three straight down collapses were all identical in appearance to well engineered, controlled implosions.
If someone managed to rig the buildings to implode, why precisely would they bother with the planes?
Later Van suddenly flip flops his appraisal
Because he realizes he's wrong? No wait, that's right, its a conspiracy.
Fire fighters and journalists report a bomb or explosions going off before the collapse.
There certainly wouldn't be any explosions going on in a building struck by a plane and buring our of control, right?
According to FOX news...
That right there's enough to discredit any following statement. "Fox news reports that the sky is blue" would have me double-checking.
Scepticism is good of course.
Here is a link for you with the proof:
http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages ... emNo=77744
Notice it is on a Jewish news site.
Anonymous wrote:So are you saying that you think there is a conspiracy then, one not relating to Zionism at all?
Scepticism is good of course.
Here is a link for you with the proof:
The fact that their boss also up and disappeared leaving a hundred customers' belongings in locked storage is odd.
Why were the Zionist terrorists caught red handed in Mexico released when they were obviously up to no good? Someone with a lot of power pulling strings I think.
Ever heard of a taxi? People sophisticated enough to pull off that operation would surely consider using a taxi to avoid leaving clues and wasting resources. Unless they wanted to make it look like some else did it that is.
By definition terrorism is using violence to coerce society/policy.
If you consider history, terrorism is more effective at generating sympathy for the victim than admiration for the aggressor. Who benefited most from the aftermath of 9-11? Surely not Arabs.
These people were not only dressed as, but actually claimed that they were muslim preachers. It was their passports that showed they were really Israelis.
The article also described that Tel Aviv "exerted considerable pressure" on Delhi to secure their release and said "It appeared that they could be working for a sensitive organization in Israel and were on a mission to Bangladesh," the official said.
at the very least he should never have been president, but I don't think you give him enough credit. But even if he was completely brain dead all the very intelligent people with him must have known what was going on.
That is not what the WTC construction manager said.
Another reason might be to draw suspicion away from those who were supposed to be guarding the WTC on the ground.
And it was very dramatic seeing the plane collision. People would expect bombs to all go off at once but that wouldn't give news crews time to get the explosion on film or such a spectacular display.
Not coming from floors far below the fire that was well contained by the engineering design.
"Ringleader" Mohammed Atta described as timid, shy, goody-two-shoes mama's boy by his German ex-roommates. Having lost his passport he was an easy
victim for identity theft.
Though Atta spoke German, the person who enrolled in flight school in his name was unable to respond to a trainer's German small talk.
Atta's devastated, affluent parents claim the recieved a phone call from Atta on Sept 12. So what happened to the real Mohammed Atta? To quote his grief stricken father: "Ask Mossad!".
Joram Lionheart wrote:After all, what's more comforting, to face the ugly facts of life--that you are middle-aged already and are still a lifeless loser who spends a great deal of time doing nothing but looking up conspiracy theories on the web--or to pretend you've made some great, life-changing discovery that the entire world would benefit in listening to you?
Drocket wrote:And you spend your time playing video games.
Life is yucky, and people deal with it in different ways.
A lot of people spend their time looking for reasons for why things happen - thats why religeon, horoscopes and conspiracy theories exist.
Others spend their free time retreating into fantasy worlds where good an evil are clearly defined and the just always prevail in the end. There's actually a lot of similarities between the two methods.
Who's to say which method of dealing with reality is actually the best...
Joram Lionheart wrote:Drocket, if you honestly believe I'm Christian because that's just my way of "dealing" with reality then you couldn't have a more contemptible conception of me. If I wanted a religion to help me "deal," Christianity wouldn't even make it to my top 5.
And good and evil are not clearly defined in the real world?
Drocket wrote:But there are a whole lot of people who do choose those easy, feel-good religions, and seriously, probably a good 90% of so-called 'Christian' churches fall into that group.
I've attended a lot of different churches in my life, and the theology of most of them boil down to 'go to church once a week (make sure you bring your tithing!) and do whatever the hell you want the rest of the week. Congratulations, you're going to Heaven, and everyone who's done you wrong is going to burn in hell for all enternity!
Churches that are actually willing to tell the congregation that they'll need to do a bit more than sleep in a pew for 90 minutes a week to get into heaven.
The part of me that's more deeply religious has sometimes wondered if they whole thing isn't a spiritual trap, set to catch the lazy with easy assurances of redeption.
Actions are usually pretty easily classifiably as good and evil. People are far more complicated. I've seen seemingly good people do truly awful things, and I've seen good attributes in people that I thought were scum. People far too often do the wrong things for the right reasons and the right thing for the wrong reasons for us, as mere humans, to be able to judge them.
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