I called for Marcus Victor, whom I had hunted with briefly before. He came quickly, and together, we eliminated the mages from the treasure area. We got the loot from the mages, and the goodies from the treasure chest, and we were on our way out, when we noticed some strange people hanging around. I recognized them right away as some more of the treasure hunters, mages, assassins, and scouts, like the ones I'd just fought a little while ago on Bald Island. We tried to split them up and take them on one or two at a time, but well....I died.
While I was dead, Cedrik contacted my ghost and asked if I needed help. I told him what was happening, and where we were while Marcus tried to bring me back to life. When Cedrik got there, the three of us took out the band of treasure hunters. Marcus had found a Secret Message on one of the bodies. It said "See Levi in Britain. He has what you're looking for" and it was signed simply "The Boss."
Cedrik said he knew where Levi was, so we headed for Britain where we met up with Ehade, and the four of us went to Levi's shop. We asked him what he knew about treasure hunters, and he said his father was one. Then he started whining about how poor he was (he wasn't even wearing shoes), but I thought it was a scam. Nobody goes barefoot in Britain unless it's their choice. Everyone is too generous here for that. We questioned him some more, and it turned out he had a Muddy Map that his father had left him. He showed it to us, and Ehade took it. Levi started screaming "Give it back! It's mine!" but Ehade kept it. Then Levi just lost it and started attacking Ehade. So we killed him (Levi, that is).
We went to the bank and rounded up some more people to help us track down the treasure in the Muddy Map. I don't remember who all was there, but there were a bunch of us. We were gated to an island somewhere; I don't even know where it was. Again, there were treasure hunters and scouts and mages and assassins that were guarding the location. So we killed them all so we could take their treasure.
When we killed them all, we dug up the treasure and opened the chest. It was like a repeat of Bald Island. Several dragons popped up out of nowhere to try to take the treasure from us again! Don't they have their own piles of treasure to sit on? Anyway, I died. The greedy dragons killed me. But everyone else killed the dragons, and somebody rezzed me, and life was wonderful again.
We all went to the bank (with a few more dragons than we left with), and split up the loot and treasure.
(Very fun!