The original plan involved a trip to Buc's Den after reminding all of the attendees about Voting for us in the UO Top 200, but as far as I know that didn't happen. We were just having entirely too much fun.

At one point Kale Greeneye gated off to Covetous, made some comment about a lizard's mother and gated back, followed by several unhappy members of the Lizard's family. They died rather unceremoniously, so he did it again.

After this second wave of walking shoe leather was dispatached, he gated to Despise and brought back some irked Wyrms, including a Royal. Not to worry, gentle reader, as the Dragons soon joined their Lizard brethren in the seventh circle of hell.
I left shortly thereafter, so I cannot tell you how it ended.

One final comment: Aislin, you have a beautiful home! That Chapel you have set up will make a great setting for a WoD wedding, someday.