Surprise! Actually, I'm wondering if this is completely necessary anymore, since you can see the playtime for the month by checking the Server Status page on the 30th... Anyway:
Total active accounts this month: 278
Total playtime this month: 9546 hours
Breakdown by playtime:
Over 100 hours - - - - - 25accounts
75 to 100 hours - - - - - 12
50 to 75 hours - - - - - 14
25 to 50 hours - - - - - 34
10 to 25 hours - - - - - 41
Under 10 hours - - - - - 152
Highest playtimes:
1st place: 15 days, 20 hours, 18 minutes
2nd place: 15 days, 10 hours, 41 minutes
3rd place: 14 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes
Your monthly bit of trivia:
Number of Benson Potions bought last month: 109