To join the Upstarts, first please read the books in our Guild Hall in Moonglow. Once done, please contact an Upstart and one of us can get you situated.
Current active members include me, Mhoram Variol (aka Pau, Covenant, Aellius Atei and Toten Na-Atei); Tre en Wildwood (most of his aka's end in Wildwood); Iantha Quennel (I think I spelled that right); Xelio Valquest; Zoram and others that I can't remember because I haven't been on a lot lately and it's after 1 a.m. here.
We are trying to schedule our next meeting and that would be an ideal time to help get you acquainted, but even that is a challenge at the moment (RL issues).
The other option would be to just show up at Guild Hall and hang out for a bit. Someone is bound to show up.