Joram Lionheart wrote:
I must admit, I do not any other way to post than the human way. When I believe in something, you can bet I'm going to be 'gnashing teeth' and voicing my opinion the best I know how (and short of personal attacks, everything's fair in my book). However, there is no reason why we could have a heated argument on these forums and not be the best of friends in-game (and sometimes the reverse is true). As long as one does not cross the line of insulting the other person, nothing that is said on these boards should be taken personally, and this is where I believe 99% of all so-called "flame wars" originate. Just because I think your idea sucks, doesn't mean I think you suck (using the generic "you" here). Anyone who fails to realize this is going to run into problems on these forums.
This is the point I think a lot of people miss. The fact is, the people who post here are, for the most part, people who play the game. I have always been told that the Boards and The Game are separate entities, but clearly they are not. If someone attacks on these boards, it DOES carry over to The Game. Joram, I don't think that's a failing of the people who post here--it's human nature. If you call me a jerk on these boards, you better damn well know I will remember it next time I see you in game. That makes sense, doesn't it?
Celeste is a prime example of this. Now, I know that some will say it wasn't
what she posted, it was
how she posted. Regardless, she got attacked on these boards for her views on cliques and other things, and she ended up leaving the game. I doubt seriously anyone attacked her in game for her views. Clearly, there is a connection between the Boards and The Game.
If you look at it objectively, would you want to associate yourself with someone in game who attacked you on the Boards? Let me put it another way: if someone
feels a certain way on the Boards, is there any reason to think they don't
feel the same way in game? They are the same person, aren't they?
I think a lot of people think that "anything goes" when it comes to these Boards, and maybe that's true. Maybe that's the way it has to be. I am a proponent of Free Speech as much as anyone else, but I think that Free Speech, in relation to these Boards, needs to be tempered by sensitivity to people's feelings. The fact is, we are all people with feelings, and when we get attacked here, it has to carry over to the Game. That to me is human nature. Maybe I am overly sensitive, but when I see good people leaving The Game because of what happens on these Boards, it has me asking why.
We need to be able to have open, honest discussions on these Boards without having to worry about being attacked by the "Defenders of WoD" or whomever. If we truly love this shard and want what is best for it, we have to accept that changes need to be made in order for it grow. I want to feel free to post what I really think about things that need to be discussed, but I have to say, I'm a bit leery to do that.
I love this Shard. I love the fact that it is stable and has been around for so long with no shard wipes. I love the fact that people play from all over the world on this Shard, together. I love the fact that it's free and that the Admins do these amazing things for free. When you love something, you want what is best for it. Having people leave the Game because of these Boards isn't what's best for WoD. Enough are gone already due to real life issues and other things--we don't need to add bodies to the pile.
In closing, I leave you with this snip from the Wiccan Rede to ponder. "Ever mind the law of threes; what ye sends forth comes back to thee." If you send forth trouble, it comes back on you times three. If you send forth goodness, that comes back on you times three. When next you feel the need to post, please keep that in mind. Or maybe a simpler way to put it is: if you can't say something nice, maybe you don't need to say anything at all.