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Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:33 am
by vimmons
I'm working on bring my friends/family to come play in WoD.
When I tell them about the skill training system, they get very happy and looking forward to start playing soon. However the status (srt/dex/int) set them upset because even running on "merchant quests" It raises very slow. I think that something should be done to status. No one like to quest all day/all week.
All dungeons should have a healer or Ankh in front/middle/end of it, its very boring when you die alone in the middle of a dungeon and got to run all the way back to ress and recover your stuff.
Healing system is not working well for pets. I hardly can heal my great lizard, is that right ?
Thats my point of view !
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:59 am
by Chala
The healing system for pets deff needs a touch up, saw the effect of bandages on a great dragon the other day, even with 80+anat and 60+ Healing couldn't do anything until there was just a sliver left. The stats system isnt bad, i spent a few hours doing quests on merchants and got almost capped out on str (Which is what i needed) then with only needing like 5 more points i switched to guard quests and finished with about 7 more quests. As long as you get your magery to 60 so you can recall around to other cities and drop packages there (Which out of town packages give better stat raises) everything goes fairly fast. And as for as the healer i agree there should be readily available res locations near dungeons maby in them as well. The only thing i find pointless is if you res in a dungeon with no equip trying to get your equip back the chances of you dieing trying to get it are going to be significantly better than the first time you died which has to be fairly good chance if you died in the first place. But at the entrance would deff be nice and if you wana die over and over put one in the middle, lol.Well there is my 2 cents.
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:52 pm
by Azzo_Ranar
wands of healing will help make up the difference in healing a pet, consider the str of the dragon, it would be a bit overpowering if a human or other race for that matter, could heal such a great creature with a bandage..
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:53 pm
by Chala
That is a good point azzo, i will make some healing wands for a vendors so if they don't decide to make dragons heal able with bandages people can still heal their pets and if they do it will help in the meantime.
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:11 am
by Chala
I now sell wands of healing on my vendors for all that need them.
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:56 pm
by kvothe
Its wrong, the tammer depends of a Wands ... its expensive and not a good for role play, i like heal my pets with my hands. =)
(Sorry my bad English)
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:00 pm
by Agata
If you are a tamer, you HAVE to depend on some expendable resource to keep your pets alive. Bandages are too low cost.
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:18 pm
by kvothe
Ok ... So ... is it =)
Its only suggest ... veterinary or one healing good for pets, is fun for tammers ... but...
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:55 pm
by vimmons
Really doesn't sound good have to heal pets with wands.
Maybe heal them less hit points with healing bandages, or a special pet bandage.
Agata, you told me once that you still have to check the entire healing script. Will it be reviewed ?
Re: Sugestion
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:04 pm
by Agata
Yes, it will be reviewed. It's just not right. Too long delay and so high chance to fail.