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leadership ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:08 pm
by antman3
So been thinking of some ideas to improve leadership and henchies since I have been using them for a little bit now.
First thing it seems to me henchies are a bit too squishy I have seen them get one shotted in platemail against regular ogres. Seems like their health is a little low but I honestly can't be sure if its the the armor or health (or maybe I am just reallly really unlucky). I am going to outfit them with magical platemail and see if that helps any. Along with this I was wondering would it be possible to make it so if we gave the henchies buff potions they would drink them? That may just be the boost they need imo.

As far as leadership goes I tried to make a macro for taunting and the skill wasn't listed then I tried last skill used and for some reason it kept trying to use taste ident. So as of right now I just have to keep opening the skill book to use it. Would love for their to be a command for .taunt or something similar. (Maybe even have a lower "cooldown")

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:12 pm
by Agata
The correct macro is Begging. As for how you managed to get Taste ID from the .lastskill macro, I haven't been able to reproduce that. How did you do it?

And about the henchmen being squishy, this needs an explanation... Players only get half damage from monsters. Your henchmen are just getting the normal damage, which is twice what you would get, so equipping them with strong armor will definitely make a difference.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:40 pm
by antman3
Yeah I am not sure how I am doing the taste id bug. I even just tried magery and it prompted "what do you want to taste?" after using it not sure what would be causing that.
I honestly never knew that about henchmen! That explains ALOT. I will go ahead and try better armor hopefully it helps alot.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:47 pm
by Agata
How are you using the command? Please specify what you are doing step by step, and type here what you are typing vervatim.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:57 pm
by antman3
I have last skill set to a macro on my F3 key. WHen I log in right away and use it it says "What do you want to taste?" Then I tried using magery on my magic sword to test it and failed to ID then used the macro and it prompted "What do you want to taste?" which confused me. Thats exactly what I did.

Also on the lines of the death shrouds not working properly discovered today that looking at my brother play he can't see his weapon on his screen but I went home to play and I could see his weapon on my screen so it seems to be a client side issue.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:51 pm
by Daruk
I agree with you about henches beign squishy, maybe part of the Leadership skill could reduce this damage taken.

60 / 4 = 15% extra damage reduction
100 / 4 = 25% extra damage reduction

Another problem that I notice is when they run in low health they stop and don't heal themselves, even having bandages at their bags.. Could you check that Agata?

Thank you!

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:01 pm
by Chala
This post was originally made before agata made some changes, last time i knew the armor system had been revamped which made henches harder to kill and i believe she made them take half damage as well, but im not sure if she kept that.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:05 pm
by Agata
The armor system change was so good I removed the damage halving. Players are taking full damage now.

And no, Daruk, henchmen aren't squishy anymore, you are just not experienced enough to use them effectively. I have seen players who can not only keep them alive, but coordinate attacks that would make your jaw drop.

Also, you hired them when your skills were very low, so they got lousy skill levels. Whenever you revive them, their skills are reset to your current skills, so they might fight better than before. Another way to raise their skills is to fire them and hire them again.

As for the healing problem, I found part of it. There is a particular thing in the healing scripts, but there is also something to do with the Henchman AI. The AI script is quite large and complicated, it will take some time to find the error and fix it.

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:24 pm
by Daruk
Thank you! I will talk to other players with more experience to get some tips about henches :D

Re: leadership ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:28 pm
by Agata
I THINK I fixed the problem which prevented stationary henchmen from healing. Please test.