Homer- I can't wait to see home again!

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Homer- I can't wait to see home again!

Post by chuxton » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:10 pm

Oh, don't get me wrong. The Miner's Union and Soldiers Assistedliving Community (MUSAC) is a fine institution and I would never say anything against them (as long as they still have to sign my release papers). I've been retired for far too long, though. I've been retired much longer than I was ever dead. In fact, I'd say all of my 2,147 deaths together were shorter than my last retirement (as you may recall, I was a retired pig farmer before I ever came to WOD). It's just lucky for me that the Minoc city government ran out of funds and could no longer support the veteran's programs at MUSAC. As the last known survivor of the Ophidian War, I was first to get the boot. Did I ever tell you about the time I killed the Ophidian Queen? Don't worry, if I haven't, I will.
Where was I?
Oh, yes, I am just sitting here on my bunk at MUSAC with my bags (and sword) packed waiting (somewhat impatiently) for Dr. Laephis to sign my release. There's a rumor that the trolls are trying to delay it (as well they might). How much influence do the trolls have on Laephis these days.

Homer Oldham

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