What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by michella » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:05 am

Felix! Another of my favorite "bad boys" :)

Alexander Von Sankt
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Alexander Von Sankt » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:31 am

My funniest memory in WoD... is funny now, but by that time it was very serious jaja

I remember there were few boxes outside some houses along the towns, that contained free stuff for the "newbie" players. Like the chest in bank, but those didnt have any classification.
Placed by kind players who wanted to help other young players. Al least, that was my though, when walking down the road to the moongate in Britain, I found a house ( i dont remember of who, but had his doors open all the time and some training dummys outside) that had alot of boxes with alot of food inside them... for free. I took ALL the food. :roll:

I remember too that my english was poorer. I didnt read what were saying the tags in the bottles of wine and in the cakes with candles.

So, happily i took all the food in to my small, straw house in the woods. "I would not think in food for a long time."
In the exactly moment I stood up to drank a little more of that "free ale" I was teleported to a creepy cell made of stone. In front of me one of the DM´s appeared and opened a trade window, showing me the bag I "stole" and opened it to me.

By that time I didnt know that that was possible (show to somebody the content of a bag in the trade window without opening by yourself), it shocked me. I though that the DM´s had took control of my computer.

I needed a lawyer and a translater, so she called Kahji. He advocated that there was some boxes around the kingdom that were open to the public to take what you wanted from them (with discretion of course) I didnt read the tags that were saying something like "stuff for secret birthday party for -insert the name here-
I imagine what was the impresion to find all the boxes empty... The DM´s was very close to banned me, but she reconsidered and... well, by that time i was like thirteen, that was another of the arguments of my lawyer jaja.

I remember I was very sad to being so close to be banned, and for ruin a surprise party. :oops:

Seeing the events by this far, they look funny :D . Those were nice times.

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Sei Ryu
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Sei Ryu » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:01 pm

Yay! Manuel Hernandez is back! :D

If memory serves, that was Xanola Remings' birthday party :D
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Xanola » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:21 pm

Wouldn't be suprised... I did end up having a pseudo suprise party at one point.

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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by chuxton » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:57 am

Well, I've had more than my share of funny moments in WOD, but I've already told many of them over and over. One that comes to mind was related to the initial skill development of Penn-Hedley III (I think). Anyway, I was too puny to fight anything major and I wanted to build up my fencing skills. Somehow, I discovered that if I used some kind of utility knife, I was almost a match for a chicken. As I remember it, I fought that chicken for hours and gradually raised my score. Of couse, Sensei Foghorn's reward for teaching me to fence was that I finally killed him. I didn't even have the cooking skill to fry him up for a proper funeral. Anyway, that's the way I remember it.


Thomas Duklain
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Thomas Duklain » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:15 pm

For me it was a cow, Homer.

This is short. If you've ever done it, you'll understand.
I can't remember much but I do remember going fishing with Avyn and idk.. Loakie maybe. We'd finally talked them into coming and Chelsea hauled up some beasts and...

wait for it..

We all died. Countless times, over and over and over. Loakie was just a bit upset by the whole thing, but the rest of us spent most of the time alternating between laughing our asses off and yelling.

So that's it, told you it was short.

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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Jakeman » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:33 am

I spent 30 min typing out my tales on my phone (I'm at work) and my phone decides that it doesn't want to be on anymore. So you guys will have to wait till morning, for my tales of humor.
"If it can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time." -Murphy's Law
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Jakeman » Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:19 pm

ok. my favorite memory of WoD is early when Twilight Silvermoon and i came to WoD, after Zoram brought us over from whatever server we were playing on. Me Twilight, and Zoram are standing near the entrance to the mage shop, and Zoram had just picked up i think it was the Esteemed title with the Order Guard, and was poking fun at us a bit because we were still very noobish. Twilight told Zoram that in a month he would pass him in title within the order guard. Zoram of course laughed because of his spacious lead. Twilight nor I could even wipe the graveyard by ourselves, much less join the elite force. well about 3 weeks later me and my buddy are standing around and who walks by but good ol' Zoram. needless to say that in 3 weeks Twilight went from noob to Illustrious Sir, i have my own theroies, but nevertheless Twilight was good to his word, and Zoram had to eat his words, and wash it down with a glass of humility. that was a very long time ago, but even after WoD took its little break, after the big party at the end, the story is still passed around our circle of friends IRL, and Twilight reminds my brother of it once in a while.

my other story goes like this...
I was wandering around Britian, being curious, and dumb when i happen upon an open portal, i look at it for a second and got curious... well like the cat, i to died. On the other side of the portal, was a dragon hunting party, in mid battle with a couple royals, maybe and ancient or 2 i dont really remember, i just know that the screen was full of dragon parts... since i was young and mentally challenged, the dragons turn to look at me and think *noms? NOMS!* Lady C yells "RUN!!" but it was too late for me.. and the hunting party... and what little pride i had.. there were some upset people there, i think Xan was there and so was Belle. i remember feeling pretty bad about it, but Lady C nabbed me at the bank later, and told me not to worry about it, but warned me not to wander into portals anymore. i assured her i had learned my lesson well, she laughed and everything was ok then. i think Twlight was there too because i remember *shakes head* appearing over his head. but then again there was alot of that... :oops:
"If it can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time." -Murphy's Law
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by michella » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:08 pm

*giggles* Love this!

Aimee Duklain
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Re: What is your most humorous memory of WoD?

Post by Aimee Duklain » Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:01 pm

Well I have a horrible memory so I don't remember things very clearly. And since SOMEONE (Jiroc, Edward, whatever he goes by) refuses to help me, I guess I'm stuck telling our stories.
One of the most common arguments he and I had involved him going to the dungeons. There was one where every time he went he died. After a while I got sick of it and I banned him/grounded him from going to them. At the time it was very serious to me and he did a good job of humoring me. (I was a bossy kid) He still remembers that, and, apparently he would wait until I got off to have his fun with the dragons. Typical of him.

We're still very close friends and still making memories, so more to come!

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