- Changed the recall rune colors for Britannia and Tokuno.
- Runebook charges are no longer shown in the name, but a tooltip.
- Updated the tooltips to include the number of runes and charges in a Runebook.
- Updated runebook package info.
- Added the new runebooks.
- Fixed the itemnames.cfg for alchemy book. A few entries in there were using the old objtypes.
- Updated the recall runes to use a struct instead of four separate properties. Also tried to update most scripts that use recall runes.
- Smelting script now handles tamed fire beetles like a forge. You have to be the beetle's master for this to work.
- Removed some unnecessary searches in the townguard_status script.
- The merchantspawner.cfg is also a logfile. Removed.
- The findhenchmen command now informs what realm is searching for henchmen.
- Corrected an error in the pet and henchmen search routines where an invalid coordinate was invalidating the search on map borders.
- Eliminated the chestlog.cfg file, as that is a log file generated by the onremove_chest script. Don't want it overwritten every time.
- Forgot to add the additional trash barrel scripts.
- Some adjustments to scripts that search the whole realm for something so they scan them with the new size.
- Trash barrels can now be opened to check their contents, and automatically clear themselves 5 minutes after the last movement.
- Added context menus for guards, henchmen and trash barrels.
- Context menus now support items.
- Merchants now have the Advancing Skills context menu option.
- The Jeweler can now train players in skills. The problem was a typo.
- Item Tooltips now display when an item is for a specific character race, and when any character race can use it.
- Townguards' pet search now searches the realm the guard is in.
Changes up to January 7th 2013
Changes up to January 7th 2013
I'm familiar with the acacia. I know how immortality is achieved.
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