If any of you has found the piece a ship in your corpse after you die, and wondered where your mount is, it's caused by an error which I haven't managed to reproduce yet. If you keep the ship part and want your mount back, please either PM me, or put the ship part inside an owned bag in my in-game mailbox.
If you happen to be logged in at that moment, I can restore your mount right away. If you are not, I can return the obsidian/porcelain figurine or stable claim ticket to your bank box, given that you put it in an owned bag.
Also if you have information on how this comes to happen, please tell me everything you know.
Mounts replaced by ship parts
Mounts replaced by ship parts
I'm familiar with the acacia. I know how immortality is achieved.
Re: Mounts replaced by ship parts
This has been a persistent problem for as long as I can remember, and a completely random one as well. I know Drocket tried to figure it out at one point but I'm guessing he never did.
Re: Mounts replaced by ship parts
Yeah it is a maddening to reproduce bug. Only happened to me once or twice so far.
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