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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 12:48 am
by snitfit
Back in May there was an 'E3 for everyone' event that Arenanet had for their in progress game Guildwars.

I played it for a full week and enjoyed it so much, and I have been awaiting the beta ever since. I think it is worthy to check out.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:51 pm
by snitfit
There has been an announcement of another oppurtunity to play Guild Wars!!

Check it out here.

From what I understand, which isn't much, you have to preorder the game, which will gain you access to the beta. I think you can only play for a weekend of each month or something.. I read it a long time ago, so I can't really remember, but another chance to play this game is all I'm focusing on here.

I can't tell you enough of its awesomeness! The screenshots don't even begin to express the excellence that is Guild Wars!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:27 am
by ShadowStone
I agree, I played for three or four days with Bayn in the open-beta test. He and I had a blast. I highly suggest it :)