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POLL: Do we expect too much from WoD?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:44 am
by Marius the Black
In the recent light of posting (particularly someone who shall remain nameless.. well let's just call him J. Lionheart.. no wait, Joram L. ;)) has made me wonder if all the expectations we have of WoD are too high. To put it simply, do we ask too much of an ountdated game engine and a set of volunteer staff.

Now, I'm not criticising any party, but I do want everyone to have a think about what we want from WoD, and if it's reasonable or not. A lot of people, including myself, demand changes, often vast ones. If it came down to it, would we undertake tasks to implement those changes?

Do we expect too much from WoD?

Thoughs and comments appreciated.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:03 am
by Laephis
If it came down to it, would we undertake tasks to implement those changes?

That's a good question. You should keep it in mind during the upcoming days and weeks. :twisted:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:16 am
by simon
Laephis wrote:
If it came down to it, would we undertake tasks to implement those changes?

That's a good question. You should keep it in mind during the upcoming days and weeks. :twisted:

Well, would you care to shed some light on a few of these changes?

I've been telling people that we're going to be getting some of the newer AoS stuff, mainly maps, but I don't think that’s what you've posted a few times hinting at..

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:58 am
by Drocket
Realistically, I think most players demand too little, or perhaps more accurately, what they do demand is too vague for me to figure out what in the heck they actually want. That's scripting-wise, at least. A lot of what people demand is something that I can never provide, like making everyone be happy and cheerful and nice...