by White Raven on Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:29 am
Well, if ever we doubt the fact that there is a God, Ciara just proved that theory dead wrong! Thanks Rod for keeping us so well updated. Thanks also to Ciara's family for putting up with all my nightly questions on icq. It was awesome of you all to take time out from the hell you were all dealing with to think of and help us WoD'ians.
Thanks to medical staff for working so diligently to keep our Ciara safe and on the road to a complete mending.
Ciara, welcome home Sweetie. This is the best news possible but, Please Please don't rush back to us here. Your system has been through hell and what you need more than anything is home, comfort, family, and REST! We will be here impatiantly awaiting your arrival. Just to know you are recovered enough to go home is Awesome! Take care of yourself so that you don't ever go through this again or take your real life family and your WoD family into the hell of a relapse.
And to add to the sentiments..... *Wuggle*
P.S. My hubby Tobar asked me to add his joy at the news of your homecoming.