Dreams what is real and what is ........

In-character discussion

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket

Dreams what is real and what is ........

Postby Adonis on Sat Jul 12, 2003 4:37 am

I sit on the sand and listen to waves
wash upon the shore.
I see your "Flashing eyes"
When I kiss those soft lips
Waves of feelings flow over my body
Fearing of who you really are
Feeling the wonder I had inside of me
All I could think about is ......
Dreaming more as I sit thinking youll be with me
Your touch so soft, your words so sweet and warm
Didnt think ........ I'd become so touched

Remembering the times I've dreamed of you
I can't believe that this was only a dream
Your're in there and I'm out here dreaming again
Close within our hearts, we are torn apart
What will stay with me .....

To set my heart aflame
At the mention of your name
A whirlpool of forbidden thoughts
Where passions strong current has me caught
Will it go away, or drag me into the glittering whirlpool

As I run from you my site is blurry, my mind rebounding
Running as thru frosted air and over cold ground
Searching for the warmth I found, again I dream....
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Postby Homer on Sat Jul 12, 2003 6:33 am

Homer and Ajax
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Postby Arien Kiralin on Sat Jul 12, 2003 6:56 am

Brought a tear to my eyes when I read this Adonis. This one was better than your last one. Very well done indeed. :D
Arien Kiralin
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Postby Dell-Leafsong on Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:27 pm

With a nod to Sapho, I commend your poetry. Her ancient description of love setting a heart aflame finds its way into poetry from the ancient Greek and Roman to modern and no doubt future times. :) Thanks for posting works here on the fellowship board. There's never enough poetry in the world.
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