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Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:24 am
by Marius the Black
Here is the thread where we, the players express our commitment and desire to ensuring that WoD continues for years to come. For many people, playing WoD is a very personal and special experience, and many people treasure this decision.
In recent discussion, it has become clear that the vote to end WoD was not entirely concrete. That said, it means that while the Admin express the feeling that ending WoD may be the best thing to do (which is understandable), there is still an express concern to see it go on. In the light of such events, finding new Admin and possibly a new server is neccessary. To this end, the Admin have expressed that we find someone they can trust, and we, the players have come up with several candidates for Lead Developer.
Bayn -
Tel'Imoen -
Please put the emails of these people if you know them. If the emails are there, please send them an e-mail and ask them to take up this mantle.
These people will be informed via e-mail and asked if they wish to continue making WoD live on. There is no promise by me that these people will accept, or that the Admin will accept them. But in the light of recent events, it is one of the few opportunites we have for WoD to continue on.
Below are the names and comments of the people who express a desire to see WoD continue on, even through this troubled time. I urge each and every WoDian to post their player names and their sincere feelings about letting WoD continue.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:37 am
by Aran Dragonblood
Loosing WoD to me would be like lossing a piece of my heart. I Don't think I could ever be whole again without it. I truly hope that someone decides to pick up the torch and carry it on into the future. Because without WoD my existence would be bleak at best.
Kalisten Vero, Aran Dragonblood
Belamros, Michael Vero

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:41 am
by Drocket
Marius, I too would like to see WoD continue (again, though, not with me as developer - as I said, I've discovered that its time for me to move on.) The question, though, is one of finding someone both capable and able to host a shard: not an easy task. Adding to that difficulty is that we're not willing to hand WoD over to just anyone. The person to whom we would hand over WoD, if anyone at all, needs to be completely trustworthy and truly care about WoD. Some of the names you mentioned fit some of those characteristics and some others, but as far as I know, none of them fit everything, and I'm pretty sure that some of them wouldn't be interested anyway (not because they don't care about WoD, not trying to imply that. They're just realistic enough to understand what they're getting into.)
Getting to the heart of the issue, though, Marius, is that none of us, the current (for now...) admin of WoD would feel comfortable handing WoD over to you, or to any group of players that would include you. The reason for this is that we believe that you're more interested in the prestige that such a position would put you in than in the shard itself. 90% of the work involved in running a shard is thankless, and we've seen no evidence that you're capable of thankless work. I'm sorry to have to say such things publicly like this, but I felt that it was necessary, though...
As I implied, though, we MAY be willing to hand WoD over to other players who would be willing to tackle the challenge. To be clear, we're going to be VERY picky. The person to whom we would be willing to pass the shard on to would need to be completely trustworthy, and one who we feel fully understands and believe in the core values of WoD. In addition to all the technical problems, such as hosting a server (not a cheap prospect), they would also need to be pretty computer literate and capable of writing POL (or at least finding another person to fill the role.) They also have to be willing to put in lots of work that will be unappreciated most of the time (and not even noticed, most of the time.) They need to be willing to try this for the long haul, not just as a 'give it a whirl for a while' thing.
If anyone thinks they fill the above description, let us know. Again, though, no promises...

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:44 am
by Xanola Remings
hey... if by Xan you meant me and not Xandermaya or such, I would consider it an honor to do so if I could, but I lack the server required and such... but if it helps my e-mail addy is (or
If you meant Xandermayer or any other Xan's ignore this post
P.S. I have a bit of POL experience, not as much as big D or such, but enough to learn as I go with little problems

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:45 am
by Baldo
Hey I wouldn't want to see this place die because I originally saw online rpgs as not worth the trouble of playing until I found this place with the help of Herban and I have loved this place ever since then.......
Galorm and Malacor Baldo, Kirsten Darkstar, Iladir Salsas

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:46 am
by Xonot
Wod cant go down it isnt like one of those PvP shards you play on uogateway what you stop playing after a few days. I have played for years and never a dull moment. There is a great community and if it goes i will never see many of my friends again.
*hopes his favourite shard ever dosent go*,
Xonot, Muller, Tom Shadow.
Apparently, I can't not be selfish

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:47 am
by Marius the Black
This isn't about me. I want to save WoD, not run it. You're right - I don't want to do a thankless job, and I won't. I'm not expressing my desire to run or control WoD, because I don't want to. I want to see the shard live on, full stop.
No one will be 'perfect' for the task. Dundee wasn't, you weren't and the next person won't be. To ask them to be is unfair. What WoD needs is someone willing and able, and someone you trust. That is all the criteria that needs to be met. If you're going to dismiss each and every person because you have an express desire to see WoD die, that is unfair. WoD can live on, and there are plenty of capable hands more than ready for the task.
You said it yourself - you really don't want to let WoD die. Then give it a chance to live on, I say.
You dont sound very positive.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:49 am
by llong15
It seems you do not think anyone would want this shard. Why do you feel this way. People everywhere have shards. They do the work you are talking about. Most work you do is not appreciated why would this be different. You do it because you have a passion for it. Sounds like you have lost your passion. You are just tired of doing the work. Has your life changed in some way and now you dont have the time you once had. That is understandable. We just dont understand why someone would shut down a working happy shard such as WOD.I have only been on about two months but I thought I had found a home for good. This is awful. Making good friends and losing them. You are not a part of us it seems. You are seperate from us. We are a family. You sound as if you are on the outside looking in. We care about the shard and we do our best to play accordingly.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:12 am
by Zanzabar
Drocket isn't expressing a will for the shard to fail, he's expressing a will for the shard to succeed. He doesn't want it to fall off and die. I feel the same way; if new staff is what is needed, than we need the best staff members we can find. I wouldn't want to pass the shard off to an unfitting person myself. So, to go with the thread, save WOD.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:35 am
by Wood
Most of you do not know me, as I have rarely played in the past few months due to real life becoming busy, but I can't believe what I am reading. WoD can never die. it won't die, it is the home of so many UO players around here. It is the best shard I have played on by far, it is the foundation of many other shards out there, and cannot end. If the decision is ever made to close the shard, just please, before hand take a very good look at the players for someone who could make a host and developer. I am sure there is someone there, no matter what you may think, but this cannot happen. I for one won't let it, some way or another.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:51 am
by Tel'Imoen
If you do end up finding both a developer and a host, please don't call it WoD, because that's not what it'd be. At least not for me. Now that I think about it, I think Dirk posted the same thing a while ago.
Having said that, I've been a WoD lover and at times an addict since July 2001. Which means I've spent almost 20% of my life as a member of WoD. I don't regret any of it. I'm sure many other shards have better features and what not, but none of them have the people (both player and staff) that WoD does. WoD isn't some scripts and an emulator, WoD is a group of a people, a family even. Come on, call it a clique, you know you want to ;).

Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:04 am
by Herakles
Tel'Imoen wrote:If you do end up finding both a developer and a host, please don't call it WoD, because that's not what it'd be. At least not for me. Now that I think about it, I think Dirk posted the same thing a while ago.
Having said that, I've been a WoD lover and at times an addict since July 2001. Which means I've spent almost 20% of my life as a member of WoD. I don't regret any of it. I'm sure many other shards have better features and what not, but none of them have the people (both player and staff) that WoD does. WoD isn't some scripts and an emulator, WoD is a group of a people, a family even. Come on, call it a clique, you know you want to

Clique or no clique......the people here have become family to me. I've grown very close to some(most) of the people here. I for one dont want to see it end and am heartbroken over it.
Here is my email address and if anyone wants to write me and keep in contact, please do so. I also have icq but dont know the number offhand. I would also like to be kept inmind for any shards that some people from here go to.
email address:
I will be ingame during the week and hopefully see everyone then. If not, I bid everyone farewell and its been a helluva ride. I will miss you all and miss WoD.
I Love this World of Dreams and my friends in it.....
*signing off with a lump in my throat*

Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:11 pm
by Eldric
There are probably few people that would like to see WoD live on more than I do.
That said it is probably better for the shard to die a clean death now than for it to end up being handed off to a group that ends up turning the shard from what it was culturally* into something different.
While I know the staff have been having serious issues for quite some time now, I have no doubt that when it comes time to make the decision of wether or not to turn the shard files over to one group or another, they will pull togeather and make the right choice.
Hopefully some acceptable group will come forth.
*by this I mean the things set forth in the rules, and the two etiquitte pages.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:17 pm
by Jag Alli
What about the old guard? Does anyone know how to contact Dundee? I know he can't himself since last I heard he had a great job developing games like SWG and such, but if someone does know how to contact him perhaps he might have a freind that could do it.

Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:22 pm
by Malakim
This is a truly sad time,I had feeling this was coming,the Admin's have done a great job and I thank them for the gaming exp. It is to bad I know nothing about comp.,or have a good one I could was a honor just that my name was mention to keep the shard going. If someone does get the chance to maybe keep the shard going I will still be here,and if there is something else I could do I would put 100% effort into the job I would be giving,or just be the player I always have been. Well I hope to maybe see you gus else where take care. King Mal