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Attention: An addition to the Shard Rules

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:56 pm
by Sebastian
We've updated the Rules page to include a clarification (or specification) to Rule #5. Rule #6 clearly states that players can have One account maximum with Five characters maximum.

This was covered previously by rule #5 with the statement "Asking GMs to create or to confer any other unfair advantage is not permitted." But because we've had people break the rule we're addressing it separately.

If a player is caught with multiple accounts we will ban all accounts associated with the player and the player will no longer be welcome on WoD. Consider this post the one and only warning for this offense.

Accounts that share an IP address (i.e. log on from the same location, etc) will be more closely monitored. It isn't difficult for us to determine whether there are multiple players or a single player with multiple accounts and we have no intention of invading the privacy of the players.

We're taking this issue seriously because it's a matter of fairness to all, and has become a problem. We've caught people in the past and will be paying much closer attention in the future.

As always, let us know if there are any questions or comments.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:00 pm
by Seon MacRae
Maybe this is too nosey or you don't want to reveal this, but how do you tell the difference between a single person with multiple accounts and two people playing separate accounts from the same location?

My cousin only plays when he's at my home, so I was wondering how you determine this.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:17 pm
by Sebastian
First we get your home address. Then Drocket flies to wherever you are and sits in the bushes and watches you play. He likes that part of the job.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:38 pm
by Joram Lionheart
Seon MacRae wrote:My cousin only plays when he's at my home, so I was wondering how you determine this.

Yeah I have the same "problem." Even though my cousin has his own computer with internet connection I sometimes log in at his place (and viceversa) or he sometimes asks me to do stuff for his character from my computer (I in fact helped him create his character by donating large amounts of money for his skill training).

Just so we're clear, what constitutes "playing with multiple accounts"?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:48 pm
by Seon MacRae
First we get your home address. Then Drocket flies to wherever you are and sits in the bushes and watches you play. He likes that part of the job.

lol :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:55 pm
by Pedis
The Rules page in the manual does not yet reflect this change! But the one at the top of the page does though! :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:16 pm
by Daeric
Joram Lionheart wrote:
Seon MacRae wrote:My cousin only plays when he's at my home, so I was wondering how you determine this.

Yeah I have the same "problem." Even though my cousin has his own computer with internet connection I sometimes log in at his place (and viceversa) or he sometimes asks me to do stuff for his character from my computer (I in fact helped him create his character by donating large amounts of money for his skill training).

Just so we're clear, what constitutes "playing with multiple accounts"?

Like all the WoD rules, this rule will be open to interpretation by the administration.
Each case will be individually addressed when and if it arises.

Spelling out the specifics of the rules, or how we go about catching
people who are abusing them tends to create loopholes and encourage
poor behavior.

Instead let me give a few examples that would almost definitely be a breach of this rule.(This is not a complete list)

1. You have applied for an account multiple times. Without your original account expiring or being removed.
2. You and your imaginary "friend", "cousin", "brother", "sister", etc.. have multiple accounts which you "share".
3. A friend/etc.. has ceased to play on WoD and gave you their username/password and you are now playing it as a "second account".
4. You feel like you are in trouble after having read this thread.

If any of these apply to you, you might consider paging a GM to discuss your circumstances.

GM Daeric

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:11 am
by Lyl
Ahh, now I don't feel so bad about only having one account.

On a related issue:

Could we access our own ip log to see if anyone else has used our own accounts? Or better yet set an option for the login code to reject any ip but your own.

Re: Attention: An addition to the Shard Rules

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:25 am
by Lyl
Sebastian wrote:This was covered previously by rule #5 with the statement "Asking GMs to create or to confer any other unfair advantage is not permitted." But because we've had people break the rule we're addressing it separately.

I think having the accounts rule being explicitly stated now is good. When I read "unfair advantage" in the past "sinking millions of gold to master skills on five more characters" never popped into my mind.

I think its good and fair that equality in character number potential be enforced. Still, I hope one day everyone could be allowed more characters.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:17 am
by Sebastian
The bottom line is if you're not actually doing anything wrong then don't worry yourself over it. If we have a question about your account we'll ask.

If you have a relative in your house who shares your computer then don't worry about it. If you don't have a relative living in your house and you're saying you do, then we're going to catch you.

It's fun for us, and scary for you. Get it?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:47 am
by Arien Kiralin
I am a little worried that the ones of us who indeed have a relative that lives with them and uses the same computer that say I do are going to get into trouble or be accused.
My cousin has been living with me and just recently got an account on wod, yesterday to be more exact. She has played on and off on my account etc. Only to see if she would like it here. Once I knew forsure she liked it and would be good here did I allow her to apply. She is a good person little troubled why she is with me. She does not have much time to play with school and work. I help her as much as I can considering my busy schedule.
I just wanted to let you all know before accusations and what not go flying. MY cousin lives with me and uses my computer, only computer I have.

Thank you.

Arien Kiralin

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:18 am
by Keelarr Ranar
What if the person is a true schizophrenic? And they actualy do have seperate accounts for the same person but they play from the same body AND IP? AND.....And they get into fights about ummm who wants to be on...losing control......and they just won't shut up...why won't they shut up...ahhhhh the voices!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:15 am
by Zipdai
Not sure if y'all need it... but Ackadia added a script that actually checks and only allows 1 account per IP unless Ack goes in himself and scripts the accounts that he knows share an IP address into a list of exceptions. It's been pretty succesful, to my knowledge. I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing...

Just thought I'd let you know - if this problem doesn't go away inspite of this warning - or if you just get tired of all the manual police work.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:59 am
by Sebastian
I'd say we have at least 50 players (maybe 100 or more?) who share IP addresses with other players. We have several entire families of Moms, Dads and kids who live together and all have accounts. We have many Roommate tandems who I know are on the level. We have groups of college kids who all have the same IPs.

Going through each would be a little too much trouble, and we've only had a few people abuse the system. I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it is something we really have to consider at this point.

I'm serious when I say if you aren't actually doing anything wrong you have nothing at all to worry about. We're not going to yank everyone sharing an IP address into jail for questioning. If you've shared an IP address with someone we already know about you. We've probably taken a peek at some point along the way just to be sure. Heck, a lot of people who share an IP addy with another player probably don't even know it.

This isn't a policy change. We're just being more specific about this particular rule so that people aren't suprised when we do have to take action.