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A possible way to increase the player economy

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 5:50 am
by Bruce
I was sitting back and reading some of the postings when I came across a subject that I have pondered. There seems to be a lack of player interaction with regard to the economy. Is it possible to restrict an account to only one craftsman? Thereby still allowing the opportunity to have a vast experience in different playing roles but limiting the self sufficiency that currently resides in the WOD realm. It might also help to create a GM special to all craftables such as random player made magics:
tailors-random resistance clothing
tinkers-gem crafting device
blacksmiths-special effects based on ore type
scribes-wands jewelry
woodworking-magic bows shields
fisherman-magic fish steaks
farming-magic crops
miner-ore becomes valued other than color
and so on..
If you made these effects random such as the benson effect this would create an desire to seek those who specialize in what your characters need.
I realize this is probably easier said than done just a possible direction that might generate an ongoing community growth and family enviroment..Any thoughts, I be interested in hearing what you have to say. Thanks for reading.. Safe Journeys. Bruce(ingame).

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:15 am
by John Duklain
I've thought about this myself, but along a bit different lines. Like allowing only one vendor per character or account even. There's getting to be quite alot in some areas, in fact while traveling around Britain today I noticed some serious lag when I walked past a few homes next to the road that had a bunch of vendors.
But then I got to thinking that wouldn't really solve anything, because less vendors would most likely cripple the economy for some and boost revenue for others, creating more of a monopolized system.
Then I got to thinking about the skill tree, and here's what I think. Instead of choosing a set amount of skills, perhaps it can be set up so that you have to choose a career path. In that case, some professions would obviously have more skills than others.
For example:
A swordsman would need 4 base skills.

I don't list healing or magic resist even though they are nice to have, they are not mandatory skills for swordsmen.
But in contrast, a tinker would only need 2 skills.

You could give each profession a choice of certain side skills such as for a swordsman, a side skill can be blacksmithing or something relevent. The side skills would be fairly low, like 65 or so. And all other skills for that profession would be basically non existant, because there is no need for them in that profession.
But then I got to thinking... you know what? People that already have characters on this shard aren't going to want to go through and take their 2, 3, or 4(+) year character and change them like that.

So back to your idea... I like it, but I see the problem of.. There are now certain items that more people want than anything else. A tailor who gets the random 'of cooking' tag on their clothes isn't going to generate near as much business as that lucky richest person in WoD that gets the random 'of magery' tag, or what have you.

So, those are my ramblings.. enjoy.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:27 am
by Maddox
It might also help to create a GM special to all craftables such as random player made magics:
tailors-random resistance clothing
tinkers-gem crafting device
blacksmiths-special effects based on ore type
scribes-wands jewelry
woodworking-magic bows shields
fisherman-magic fish steaks
farming-magic crops
miner-ore becomes valued other than color

This would lead to endless "magicsmacroing". In a few weeks our world would be so full of those player made magic craftables. It is already very easy to get magics through hunting + Benson so adding them would only inflate whole economy.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:30 am
by Augur Wildwood
And limitting trade skills was discussed recently too. About the best compromise that we reached (that the most people seemed to agree with) was limitting trade skills to .spec slots. What this would do is make it so not everyone could train the skills up to 60. Trades would only be trainable if you specced them as a prime, secondary, or in the trade slot. That's still a lot of slots and crafting mules would still be possible, but not everyone would be able to do a little bit of everything as they currently can.

For example, currently if you want an obsidian mount, you can go train mining up to 60 for just 6600 gold, mine 2000+ sand in a few hours, go to the bank and ask if there are any tinkers who can make the mount for you. Most likely someone at least has an alternate character that can do it and they will probably do it for free, since you are providing the raw materials. If not everyone could train Mining up to 60, they would have to go buy that sand from a Miner.

That's just one example. It would limit what people do a little, but wouldn't be as drastic as limiting skills to just one per character or one per account. Those ideas met with a lot of opposition last time we discussed it.

But, good ideas. Keep fine tuning them! :)