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Is it true?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:31 pm
by Aran Dragonblood
I logged onto the WoD server last night, because a little birdy told me I could. Laephis please tell me that the shard is up again for good. Also, More on the curious side. I was wondering why there was not any monsters on the shard yet. I hit the GY in brit and didn't see a single monster, so I ran up to despise and it was emty also. Has the spawner just not kicked on yet?


PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:46 pm
by Azalin4savioR
Actually unless things have changed since I logged in yesterday there are only a few places with monsters or animals. Vampires have overrun vepser, moonglow is consumed by ghosts and shadow dragons, some of the ghosts which are now other places due to the moongates, and just northish of Trinsic I was attacked by a wolf, several other animals there as well!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:42 pm
by Herakles
woohoo....this I gotta see.

So where is everyone going ?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:42 am
I was wondering where everyone was going and if they knew where I could also find a player named Darton.

I wish to speak to darton.

Take care.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:36 am
by Aislin
Well...the accounts have been reinstated.
The spawns are turned back on.
What is missing here?????


Im not sure about the particulars but all i know is I'm home. We were talking the other day and i asked why did they wait so long to turn it back on. Someone responded:

"It's like that old saying...if you love something set it free...if it returns to you then it is meant to be"

There are a few of us back....i know not many know about Wod being here. We need to get the word out.

On the other hand...i wish Laephis or someone would explain the plan....a few of my friends are afraid to come back thinking this isnt The World of Dreams but only a short Dream...Some need answers.

The Always Devoted,

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:11 am
by Laephis
I'm afraid I can't give you any answers, I'm filled with questions as well. I will say this, however: even if things don't stick, does it really matter? You're given a chance to play with friends and make the most of a situation...why not enjoy the present and not worry about the uncertain future? Who knows where things will go...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:08 pm
by Aimee Duk.
Hey yahoooooooooooooooooooo it's back. Ais i can't wait to see ya im on right now with ed and strells on come with us!!!!!!!


PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:28 am
by Tamla Tamara
So now that my files are all screwed up, I am so glad I didn't patch up that 48 megs (I'm on dialup!!) to get into Ackadia (I only just got my AoS disk TODAY) I'd still like to see what they've done over there, but I can't login, and there's no website (?) What happened to Ack?

Ok, so I'll try to change gears here and get back to MY HOME. :O)

One thing will be different... for me anyway. I will mine ore if I *want* to, and Not Just Because I Have Shovels. :OP

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:04 pm
by Maddox
Hello Tamla,

old Ackadia is down and Ack created new one called "Raw". The server is up and running with quite a nice amount of active players.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:00 pm
by Tamla Tamara
Thanks Maddox. Was glad to find that, was worried and tended to think the worst. Started the 48 meg patch, took all night, and left it going this morning.

I had a ball last night. I think when I logged into wod last night it was accessing the Ack Map! Blast! Trinsic was in the middle of the ocean, and I couldn't escape a certain radius about my towers, had an OL on me (where was that, ocllo?) I could gate and recall that was my saving grace from certain death. Anyway, it was fun getting stuck in the artwork and seeing or not seeing things. I'd like to be able to do both shards, it may take me a few days to figure it out.

I get error when I try to login to Ack just yet, I'll try again after the patch and put the map files in again.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:20 am
by Herakles
I went onto WoD for the first time last night since the shutdown. There was 2 people on. They were Edward Tristan and Aimee Duklain. It felt real good to be back but the people were missing.
It was kinda like going back to your old neighborhood that you've moved out of 20 years ago and coming back to visit. Hardly anyone you knew(in this case it was fairly deserted). But the memories were there and my character :D
Its tough trying to start another one, I am in Lost Realms and Sorcerors Quest, both as Herakles. LR I am practically maxxed out with my stats but its not easy fighting with exceptional platemail. I even take big hits from skeletons still lol
Then being back at WoD,it felt good to be battling and not see my health plummet. But like I said, it was kinda deserted. Maybe someday some more people will be back. I plan on keeping the files installed but will still be spending time between SQ and LR.
I still would like to try Ackadia Raw. I have an account there but never downloaded the files. I hear its decent there also.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:20 pm
by Ehran
wings, cloudchaser, edison, michella and I are all over at Ack Raw. there are some other woddians over there also. it's different from wod but the folks are nice and there are some interesting differences between wod and ack. it's tougher playing on ack though. ed the mad wizard is having a blast living on the edge for instance. pop a level 5 map on ack and run really really fast cause what comes out will be incredibly nasty. a good sized group of experts sometimes fails to clear out the mobs before the chest decays. the invasion spawner is a rather nice idea plus the monsters in a dungeon change after someone goes through and wipes out the spawn boss at the bottom.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:42 pm
by Darcane
I logged in just a bit ago and all my characters are still alive, but the entire world is covered in water?? Are my files all messed up or what gives?


Re: ?!?!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:32 pm
by Wolfie
Darcane wrote:I logged in just a bit ago and all my characters are still alive, but the entire world is covered in water?? Are my files all messed up or what gives?


sounds like you may have the wrong map file
have you played on another shard that had you overwrite files?
if you dont have a backup of original files, then a reinstall should fix the problem

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:37 am
by Rroucu
Does anyone know if it is still up?
I would like to log in if it is.