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Pretarians on the move

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 8:10 pm
by Eldric
Earlier today what appears to have been a short siege of Britain was broken.

Pretarian Scouts and Elite Guards attempted to block passage on all the bridges and the port area, but were repelled by hastily assmbled group of adventurers who were at the bank on other buisness.

After dealing with the immediate threat, a force went to Trinsic to see if anything was happening there.

About half way between Trinsic and the area the Preatarians encampmet, a large group consisting of the ususal Pretarian forces as well as Elite Guards, Dragon Handlers, and a Pretarian Dragon were encountered.

We had to disengage after driving them back most of the way to the fort, but travellers should remain aware of the higher than ususal level of threat in the area.

Many thanks to all who were a part of both endevours.
