Well, to answer Marius' question, I must first say that I agree with his point. I know, I know... this is going to come as a tremendous shock to some, but I read back through my post(s) and found that I, myself, sounded much the way Marius is interpretting the situation. Also, I must say that, in part, this may very well be the case... I know, for myself it may have been, though I didn't even realize it myself until he pointed it out. However, I thought about it for quite a while before posting an answer, at least for my own personal view... *** honestly, yeah... I probably did look at it much that way (being successful, accepted, whatever) at first. But as time went on, I did notice some significant differences in abilities... only certain abilities, mind you, if you had 110 skill instead of 100, 90 skill instead of 80, etc... mainly, for me, it has been druidry, tactics, and archery. Now, I realize there are probably many others, but like I said, I'm answering from my own personal experience. Also, like I said, at first, though I didn't want to admit it, even to myself, I think I was probably just after "stuff", but that did change the longer I hunted. After a while, I found I nearly NEVER fizzle on my druidry spells with 110, while at 100 I had a difficult time casting Nature's Blessing (88 skill required) on my dragon or friends. So, for me, having an animal lore buff does seem almost a requirement for a druid. No, it doens't have to be +10- in fact, right now Dalia is wearing 3 items that total up to her +10 in druidry. The tactics and archery go hand in hand- I noticed a significant increase in damage dealt after I had +10 in tactics, and hit rate is astronomical with 110 archery. I realize that 1/2 of your dexterity is calculated to determine hit rate with a bow, and Celeste has well over 100 dex unbuffed, so this is a factor, but I definitely hit more and harder with 110 archery rather than 100.
Now, do I feel I couldn't play without "uber" buffs? Hell no. And I realize, after a LOT of thought on the subject, and dismissing the childish response and almost natural reaction to get "mad" at anyone who might have said I was whining- yeah, it did sound like that. I completely agree. I honestly didn't intend it to sound like that. What I had asked was really a "Hey, where the heck do you guys FIND that awesome stuff?!?" I usually realize far too late that things I say don't come out the way I planned (God bless my husband for being one who can figure me out....lol).
Now, as for people wanting uber items in general- sure, I think everyone would jump at the chance to get a really great item. But, I think all those who posted in reference to "Good things come to those who wait" were correct. They do. Also, I'd like to add "Good things come to those who work their butt off for them". They do, too. It takes a while, but I can honestly say that the items I've gotten on my own, down in the deep dark depths of dank-smelling dungeons have a much more satisfying feel when I put them on than the ones I bought on the auction or from other players... I sincerely hope this answered, at least for my personal perspective on the situation, Marius' question. Hopefully others will think it through as well and offer some tidbits of their own.

Happy hunting all!