by Azalin4savioR on Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:46 pm
Heh Im pretty sure I know EXACTLY what your problem is, myself and Sevin both had it and when you were setting up your options, the ones through paper doll you clicked a box you shouldnt have. What you have to do, and its a pain in the butt (unless theres an ultima.cfg file someplace you can change instead, I dont know) You have have to mouse over the login screen so you can see it, type in your info even though it doesnt show up its there! then hit the login screen. Then mouse over the screen again and the game will show. Then get your paper doll open, mouse over again till shown, hit the options button repeat mouse over, hit the tab that looks like an eye, 2nd down on the right, repeat mouse over, unclick the boxs that say Use GDI in full screen mode and use full screen display and then hit the apply button, then log out then back in. I know its not both of those boxes that give the grey problem but I have gotten graphical problems with both so I just advise not to have either checked! I Hope this will fix your problem.