Ehran wrote:why we studied greek mythology in grade ten english instead of learning to parse a sentence or something useful always escaped me.
Parsing is not all that useful unless you plan to read greek texts on a regular basis. It's much easier to read the translations and then pretend you know what the Greeks were all about, hehe.
Incidentally, Cassandra was ruled by fate (just like all the other Greek characters), so I fail to see how foretelling the future really helps any. Take Oedipus for instance, knowing his (predestined) future only made him more miserable than he otherwise would have been (in fact, he helped fulfill his destiny by trying to escape from it). If my life was fated, I don't think I'd want to see a future I cannot change.
Btw, Cassandra is usually referred to in literature as a
prophet of doom. You sure you want to be a prophet of doom, E?