Stat revamp

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Postby Eldric on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:13 am

[quote="Orion Michaels"Why doesn't anyone understand that I'm not looking for stuff to make things easier? I just don't want the weak to get trampled when things get made harder.[/quote]

I understand your point, I just disagree with it.

For the vast majority of new players coming to the shard, they wouldn't even noticed the difference. WoD and WoD based shards are the only ones with the whole permabuff system. Well, that I know of. On sphere (where probably most people come from) you cna have 1 statbuff spell up and it lasts about 2 minutes, if you put a second one up or are hit by a curse the first one drops, runuo is similar buffs are extremly short term, I can't honestly say if they stack or not, I don't really bother casting them.
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:13 am

challange for a player whos played here for 5 yrs?
wtf why should the rest of the players be punished cause a super old has everthing player bored if you want a challange for your 5 yr old charecter ask drocket for a new area fwith harder monsters wth make everthing so hard for all the rest of us that we cant enjoy the shard and get disgusted and leave ?
most of the players here get no where what you get on you charecters or have what you have.and will take yrs to get it so why are we being punished cause your bored and want a challenge

and your wrong the new players will notice it when they notice that your a god player and they cant do jack.instead of them working a long as you did to get where your at it will take them twice as long.
but what do you care you just want to make life hell and unfun for everone else
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:21 am

simon wrote:Nice reply... very nice indeed.

Yes, I especially liked the mindless rambling at the end of his post. A drastic change from the usual logical, well-structuced arguments I tend enjoy reading on these boards.

Though I suppose I am whining too because my views are not that of the mainstream here. It is open debate only if your views are the same as the vast number of people here.

If everyone agrees then it isn't a debate at all. But if people do nothing but whine, bitch, and moan about how much it sucks to be them, then there's no debate either. You're right when you say you're whinning, though. You're doing it right now!

Other wise you’re whining or are a troll, or should be banned for statements you made saying you oppose certain changes. All of which I’ve seen said to fellow players for voicing their thoughts.

Someone threatened to ban you, Simon? I obviously missed that. As for people calling you a troll you know very well it isn't because you disagreed or agreed with anything. It's because you (all on your own) have developed a reputation for being a pest when it comes to msg board posting. To tell you the truth, except for a couple of your posts, I've never really understood your logic (if you have any at all) when it comes to arguing a point.

As far as people voicing their thoughts, we see that everyday. In fact, that's what anyone does when he or she makes a post here. Yet, not everyone makes a post like this one "I just read about the recent change to magi, and they totally bite. I think they should be changed back . . . Now that my main character has become ABSOLUTE WORTHLESS I'm being FORCED to switch his skills . . . hey but that's ok. I mean, it's not like I needed those 500k I was FORCED to spend on new gear and skills, nevermind the all the work I put into building that character . . . Despite the fact my character has become totally UNPLAYABLE, I'm not bothered. If Drocket is bent on RUINING MY FUN, I'll just have to deal with it . . ."
If you start off like that, don't be surprised if you don't get great reviews right away.

There are a lot of new faces around; I don’t want them to be frightened due to our belligerent manner.

Then I'd suggest you stop posting so often. You'd be amazed how much of a difference that makes.
Joram Lionheart
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:23 am

hum i just noticed spectes touch takes from others its not a buff you cast on yourself so i think spectres buff should be lowered that will fix your problem

ha i see now the necro spell lets you get that kinda buff its not mages but necros who are able to get them kinda status if they cast it on a high enough monster,npc,etc.

necros are over powered not mages or hybrids if anything spectors touch needs to be lowered aqnd the time it lasts i just tested it and was getting 1 hour 30 min buffs but my mage only gets 30 min buffs using normal buff spells cause hes not a necro......

bah after looking at Eldric's pic agine i see lich spell lasts 3 hours wth? polo doesnt last that long nor does it give that kinda buff
look closly at it agine see it shows bless spell and protection thats normal buff spells for mages and tanks but look at what necros gets almost 2 hours of str and dex and intel while others tank/mages only get 30 mins now i see why you say mages are over powered its not mages its certain spells that over power ceratin charecters like lich spell and spectres touch
Last edited by fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ShadowStone on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:33 am

Okay fitz just to prove you wrong, here is my char Eis buffed.

110 Invoc
110 Magery
110 Lockpicking
90 Med
90 MR
90 Necro

Base Int = 102
Base Str = 67
4*+5 Int jewerlry = +20

Strength = +14-18
Cunning = +14-18
Spec Touch (to replace the two spells above) = +20-25
Poly = +18-20 (don't know if I could get higher than this)
Lich (to replace Poly) = +20-27
Bless = +16-18

So at the low end I'm getting 115 Str, and at the high end around 137 Str.
Low end of the Int pole I'd get around 170 Int, and the high end around 192 Int.

Okay so you can't "afford" the things I've gotten, big deal. With the right skill-set you can still get around 120's in str and probably 170's in Int. I'd say that's still a pretty good mage.
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:41 am

i can afford it :>
but most players cant and you just proved my point just how the older players here are snobs and want to keep the poor poor so they can run gunshot over them

and 120 str is no where near the 160 str i get on my tank.

and like i said look at eldrics pic agine 2-3 hour buff spells stacked from necro spells mages who arnt necros same with druids do not get them stats so yall are saying cause you can use necro and jack your self way up with 3 hour buffs the ones who dont have necro should get necro so they can jack there skills up too bah
thought yall where trying to balance skill/players not force everone to be a necro or group hunt cause they wont be able to solo... i think its called controling the players to do what a few select players want ...but in the end it just kills a shard
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Postby Drocket on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:52 am

My goodness, what a long thread... I'd respond, but I got lost somewhere around page 3...
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:57 am

well my last post on this one

its not lowing str of mages that is need what is needed here is the balancing of necros from what i saw posted here there buffs are 5 times what normaly pure mages get and last 4 times as long which isnt fair. my mage would love a 3 hour polo instead of 30 mins
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:01 am

fitzchivary wrote:i can afford it :>
but most players cant and you just proved my point just how the older players here are snobs and want to keep the poor poor so they can run gunshot over them

Yup, that's what we're all about, Fitz. Nevermind most older players give money, equipment, and help (in the form of rescues or instruction) to new players so that they can have an easier start. I'm sure, you oh great benefactor of all newbies, make it a point to rescue them and give them millions of gold so that they're not poor and us bad evil oldbies are not stepping over them.
Incidentally, I haven't seen any newbies complaning how "unplayable" their characters have become with the recent changes (let alone complaning how snobbish ALL older players are). You should ask Eldric, Ciara, Atei, and others just how much money and gear they've given away to newbies (combined, probably more than you've ever had). Better yet, try asking them how many people they've rescued or how many newbies they've helped starting up. I myself lost count years ago.

and 120 str is no where near the 160 str i get on my tank.

YOU GET 160 STR ON YOUR TANK? The most I've ever gotten is 145 (with wands). Still, I bet my tank beats yours anyday :P

and like i said look at eldrics pic agine 2-3 hour buff spells stacked from necro spells mages who arnt necros same with druids do not get them stats so yall are saying cause you can use necro and jack your self way up with 3 hour buffs the ones who dont have necro should get necro so they can jack there skills up too

My druid gets 170 int no problem just about everytime he buffs (and I don't even use four int jewerly, just three). Yeah, druid spells are not nearly as useful as necro ones but then magery spells are far more useful than both, and that's what I generally use when I hunt (w/either my druid or my necro). Maybe you should consider picking up necromancy if your current skillset limits you so much. That or just follow through with your word and go play elsewhere. That way we're both guranteed happier lives :)

thought yall where trying to balance skill/players not force everone to be a necro or group hunt cause they wont be able to solo... i think its called controling the players to do what a few select players want ...but in the end it just kills a shard

Well, you're going to have to ask Drocket, because last time I checked he was the one that implemented the changes, not Eldric, not I, not Tristan or anyone else. By your logic, Drocket must be the evil mastermind (forget Marius, D's got the real power!) who is "controlling" the players of WoD. If you believe Drocket is trying to kill the shard then you should go somewhere else where the Admins are not so evil and are not trying to destroy their own shard by making changes and stuff.
Joram Lionheart
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:04 am

bah i said it was pl like you trying to control the shard and kill it not drocket!
drocket does a great job on his scripts .

o ya i have given away tons of stuff too.

My druid gets 170 int no problem just about everytime he buffs

? wth does intel have to do with lowering a mages str?

and if you cant get 160 str on your tank then you should upgrad your stuff :lol: to as nice as mine
Last edited by fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Drocket on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:10 am

fitzchivary wrote:its not lowing str of mages that is need what is needed here is the balancing of necros from what i saw posted here there buffs are 5 times what normaly pure mages get and last 4 times as long which isnt fair. my mage would love a 3 hour polo instead of 30 mins

Well, I'd have to double-check this in-game, but script-wise, the only thing that necromancers get from Lich that normal mages don't get from poly is an extra +4 on the poly effect and a longer duration (well, and the death-taxes thing. I've never really liked that, though, and have thought about dropping it several times...) For that +4, they give up a rather significant amount of damage from all the normal mage spells because they don't have Invocation (unless they give up yet another skill for Invocation.)

+4 strength and longer duration for maybe about 20% less damage on most of the commonly used attack spells - its not exactly a wonderful trade-off...
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:11 am

fitzchivary wrote:bah i said it was pl like you trying to control the shard and kill it not drocket!
drocket does a great job on his scripts .

What have I done to "kill" the shard? I don't even know how to tinker with the scripts? The most I've done is agree with Drocket's decisions. By your logic, the fact that your character is "unplayable" is not my fault but Drocket's. Hence my point that if you don't like what Drocket is doing you're free to choose another place where YOU can control the server's changes. Personally, I cannot boast of such authority over WoD.
I guess if it isn't what YOU want then it kills the shard.
Joram Lionheart
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Postby Orion Michaels on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:14 am

Joram Lionheart wrote:
simon wrote:Nice reply... very nice indeed.

Yes, I especially liked the mindless rambling at the end of his post. A drastic change from the usual logical, well-structuced arguments I tend enjoy reading on these boards.

Didn't you just say that all my posts were whining? I thought you didn't like reading them since you pick them apart so much.

Joram Lionheart wrote:
Though I suppose I am whining too because my views are not that of the mainstream here. It is open debate only if your views are the same as the vast number of people here.

If everyone agrees then it isn't a debate at all. But if people do nothing but whine, bitch, and moan about how much it sucks to be them, then there's no debate either. You're right when you say you're whinning, though. You're doing it right now!

Aren't you now whining about our whining?
Joram Lionheart wrote:"I just read about the recent change to magi, and they totally bite. I think they should be changed back . . . Now that my main character has become ABSOLUTE WORTHLESS I'm being FORCED to switch his skills . . . hey but that's ok. I mean, it's not like I needed those 500k I was FORCED to spend on new gear and skills, nevermind the all the work I put into building that character . . . Despite the fact my character has become totally UNPLAYABLE, I'm not bothered. If Drocket is bent on RUINING MY FUN, I'll just have to deal with it . . ."
If you start off like that, don't be surprised if you don't get great reviews right away.

Man, you really do look for the bad in everything. Here's another interpretation:

"Man the recent changes kinda suck and they are hard to deal with. But hey, here's how I delt with it. My secondary (not main) character is kinda crapy for my play style now but hey. That's the way the cookie crumbles. it was my choice to have his skills set that way so it's my responsibility to change them. It took 500k but it was worth it because otherwise I would have never found out how cool it was to run aound with henchies. It may not have been what I would've done but hey, I play here for free and Drocket does what he thinks is best for the shard, and it turned out to benefit me."

Hmm, 2 completely different interpretations of the same thing. One negative, one positive.
Joram Lionheart wrote:
There are a lot of new faces around; I don’t want them to be frightened due to our belligerent manner.

Then I'd suggest you stop posting so often. You'd be amazed how much of a difference that makes.

So, does that go for all people who don't share THE opinion? "Everyone on the other side shut up and it will all be a great in here because now we are the only voice heard?"

Whoops, there I go whining again. Or was I being sarcastic?

hmmm . . .

I would have never been posting this jerk-like if I wasn't pushed too far. Having things in your posts constantly taken out of context kinda does that to a person.

I wonder what repurcussions this is going to have in game? You see, I let what is said on the boards, STAY on the boards. Others (NOT directed at anyone in particular) aren't quite so nice.

Just remember guys, I'll still come running in game if I'm needed, (and RL doesn't get in the way.)
Orion Michaels
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Postby fitzchivary on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:16 am

bah never mind this is just turing into a flame post.

mu point is necros are way to powerful and need to be balnaced like mages are
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Postby Tristan Gryphon on Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:19 am

*continues acting like a child*

Yeah, what he said!

Nyah Nyah
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