We slammed down some coffee, buffed, grabbed some booze for the road (well, I did anyway

After making sure that the person was okay and had collected some loot to help defray death tax costs, our group headed to the Vesper Graveyard. We were not disappointed.

For a time it was rather dire, as our small group got separated from each other. However, we rejoined forces and then we were able to secure the area. We then headed back to Brit Bank, where some of the early departees from my party were hanging out (among them Bronwyn, Jocilyn and Tristan Gryphon).
After selling off the loot and chatting for a bit, Nia and I both went to check on on-going auctions on Sebastena. We were talking with Ki'Anna, Anthony and Andy when suddenly, we were all blinded. I said "light" to Mini-Me (my homon) and then we were all blinded again! In the shadows around us we saw not one or two, but several liches! We took up arms and bested them, only to have more show up, and with this second wave were hell-hounds. This group too was laid waste, and then a death-cry rang out!
Andy checked and the person was in Moonglow GY. We headed that way (foolishly thinking that the Brit Bank part of our adventure was over, muahahahaha). The fallen hero was found and restored to the living, and when we returned to Brit Bank, the entire area behind the bank was filled with liches, lich lords and blood liches. We joined in the fray and defeated that wave, only to have a group of Black Wisps and Champions of the Quest arrive! This last deadly pairing proved to be the undoing of quite a few of us, including my lovely wife, Nia.

For a time it appeared that Britannia would fall to the vile beasts! So many died in such short order (Black Wisps will do that, and those Champions of the Quest were tough buggers as well). Order was finally restored, however, as the surviving and resurrected Champions of Britannia routed the fiends and made sure that all items were returned to their rightful owners.
One permanent casualty needs to be noted, however: Boone, our beloved banker, fell in the battle, defending our worldly possessions.

Your humble scribe,
*Aellius Atei, who turned in his cooking, inscription, lumberjacking, carpentry and tailoring buffs for archery, macefighting, tactics and parry buffs and is no longer a mule, much to the delight of his lovely and talented wife, Nia

P.S. Thanks, Powers that Be, for proving once again that you folks REALLY know how to party!