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Controlled in Occlo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:03 am
by Kale Greeneye
Well be prepared for my terrible story telling skills:

Someone (I wasn't there from the start) or maybe they saw the town crier, well anyways they went trucking off to Occlo where they were met with hordes of controlled beings. Undead to trolls and shaboolis. So to the point, Occlo was cleared after say 3-4 hours of fighting, our people rid the town of the evils of this mysterious Xanderbaric (sp?). Ther participating people are:

Gaeron Hale
Frederic Xilone
Azalin Darkfire
Whisper O'Daye
Galorm Baldo
Francis Greye
and I guess me
oh and some guy whos name starts with a T (sorry but no one could rememer what it was :?

Thanks to the seers who chucked all these playthings around Occlo, we all had fun, the split was good, there was lots of bensons and a couple mediocre buffs :) (of which I won the best thing, haha Wood, my 5 destroyed your 3)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:19 am
by Azalin4savioR
I would like to add that Myself and Aislin Darknwald returned to Occlo afterwards to clean up the remnants and 2 bensons and a note were found:

The note read as follows:

The Pheonix is within our grasp... and it was signed X