This is just unreal

Any discussion about WoD that doesn't fit into another category

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Postby Joram Lionheart on Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:21 pm

Ahh how refreshing :D It is always amusing to see this kind of thing I tell you. You learn a lot about human beings when they are at their worst. So would anyone care to find out whose IP address generated that loving goodbye post to our shard? Perhaps guest would care to enlighten us seeing that he/she feels so strongly about WoD he/she wouldn't mind telling us who he/she is.
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Postby Nia Atei on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:27 pm

Guest1 wrote:I'm just wondering... could any of you get any more pathetic?

Sure, "Guest1". We COULD become so miserable and bitter that we have to resort to making nasty anonymous posts directed at nice people to get our jollies...

In the over 2 years I've played here, I haven't noticed any "cliques." Groups of close friends, yes, but no one here has gone out of their way to snub or ignore me - no one has ever made me feel unwelcome. In fact, this has been the FRIENDLIEST UO experience I've had in my 5 years playing. I think just about everyone else here agrees with me on that. If your experience here was otherwise, perhaps the problem was you.
Last edited by Nia Atei on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nia Atei
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Postby Tristan Gryphon on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:39 pm

Nia Atei wrote:If your experience here was otherwise, perhaps the problem was you.

Ooooooo, hehe, good line

You go girl!
Tristan Gryphon
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Postby Jocilyn on Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:43 pm

I dont normally reply to people like this, but I cant help but wonder why you kept tabs on wod if you were so miserable. Also if you played here for 2yrs it could not have been all that bad.
I for 1 am sorry you did not get out of wod what I and others have. The many friends I have gained is a plus to my real life not a replacement.
I dont ever remember seeing any guarantees when I signed on to wod. So if you were not happy I cant help that. What I can help is the fact you will not nor will anyone else take from me what I have gained here. That will remain with me forever.

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Postby breidaia on Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:50 pm

I just want to thank a few people who helped me when I was starting out:

Malakim- Thanks for the gold and the house. Sorry I couldn't be your "neighbor" in East Brit, but those darn Branubians were just working against us that day, I guess!

Kendamos- Thanks for being a good neighbor to a newbie. I (and my horse) appreciated all the food you gave us, and you helped make my little house a nicer place with the decos you so generously gave me.

Kalisten Vero- Thanks for turning me on to UO.

Orion Michaels- Thanks for rezzing me and rescuing me more times than I can count.

Scott Myr- Thanks for finally hitting on me. When I was the only girl on the shard who wasn't receiving your attentions, I was feeling a little left out! See, and nothing bad ever happened. Orion never found out... oops! :lol:

For the rest of you- no harm, no foul. I didn't really know you, and you never really knew me. I was never much of a social butterfly, so we probably rarely, if ever, spoke. I tried to be a good WODian and help out those around me when I could. Didn't always agree with the things going on around me, but then, who does?

Fare Thee Well

Neassa Alaixon, aka Phaedra Khree, aka Amaranth Michaels, aka Breidaia
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Postby Herakles on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:21 pm

Guest1 wrote:I'm just wondering... could any of you get any more pathetic? WOD was a game. That's all. The people there were cliquish, and weren't all that open to "outsiders". Having played for almost 2 years, I should know. 90% of you just logged on to "chat" in the bank anyway... at least most of the time. So 1. Find a new shard and continue on or 2. Find a chat room, since that's all you really did anyway. Both are readily available 24/7. Not too hard to find any.

Can I also take a moment to mention how pathetic I find this whole shard wedding thing to be, too? I mean, come on. How many of you are married in real life? How many are "married" in-game? How many are married in real life to the one you're "married" to in game? How many of you devote as much time to your spouses and children as you do to your new characters' skills, buffs, etc.? Maybe if you spent more time in the real world, and less time playing a stupid game, you'd have better family lives.

Take a good look at yourselves, people. If you can't concentrate because you're at work and WOD is closing tonight, you have gone beyond pathetic. You need serious psychiatric help.

Listen to all the crappy, whiny, pathetic music you want to. Shed as many tears as you want. WOD is going away, and I say good riddance. I've wasted enough hours there already. Difference was, I treated it as a game, much as I'd play any computer game.

Hmmph. Game's over. Deal with it.

Its morons like you why this place is no longer. I have a good idea who is clown is. Someone who just got ousted from yet another shard. Way to go......Moron.

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Postby Ehran on Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:38 pm

grow a bit of a backbone guest and at least have the self respect to hang a name on your drivel.
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Postby Macitor on Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:37 pm

Guest1 wrote:I'm just wondering... could any of you get any more pathetic?

Um... let me think... Probably not... as pathetic as your sorry ass...

Guest1 wrote: WOD was a game.

And the winner of the pathetic poster is.... Guest1. Yes folks, Guest1 has some really strong opinions about our world but hasn't the backbone to reveal his/her true identity. To that I raise my empty paper cup with a whole in the bottom. I look though the whole and I see... Hey, it is Guest1 one... and look how small he/she is!!! *I crush you head* I think as I squeeze my thumb and finger together.

But then again.. he/she played for two years... Guess it was not all THAT bad, eh Guest1? contradiction must come with the level of patheticism that you live at.

Oh hey ... another thought ... Guest1, you played at WoD for two years you say... hmmm... and you did not get any sense of family or compassion or anything of the sort? Just misery, eh? I find that hard to beleive. But possible, I suppose.

My guess is mr/s guest1, is that you were helped tremedously while you were in game and therefor, you care not to reveal your in game name as it would be somewhat... oh, the word ... um ... contradictory and .. os so many other things, eh guest1?

Guest1 - Hmmph. Game's over. Deal with it and let us true WoDians deal with our feelings...
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Postby Aimee Duk. on Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:44 pm

Some people may belive I was "bad" or un-behaved or even inmature but I think I was just trying to let Wod have it's fun. Others thought I was just a little kid but I'm here to say I'm not and I really don't like it that people thought I was. I bet a lot of people who knew me could tell you I was not just a "little kid". It doesn't matter if your 5 or 50 HAVE FUN!
Also the few people that must love to criticize others for haveing hearts well all I can say is "If you don't like it then move outta the way!" Because the rest of us love Wod and will miss it a bunch so just because you don't have hearts or share our feelings don't make us feel little and stupid!
I don't think I could list all my friends but I will list a few so don't feel like I hate you if your left out!
Henna-One of my 3 Wod Mom's :D Thanks for makeing me feel like I'm needed
Ais- Another Wod Mom! Best Therapist in the WORLD! Always helped me with guy problems or any problems :) (Yes guys)
Bron-Another Mom! Always made me feel at home and when I wanted to say something she hushed everyone else up so I could have my say!
Edward- Close friend and cares so much about Wod and me. He was always my buddy and if I wanted or needed something he shoved it in my face before I finished saying it!
Jon Leir- Super close friends! Not quite a brother but almost! (Could we adopt you?)
The Hales- He is so fun! He is very thoughtful and tries to make me laugh a lot! (Works every time!)
Raybell- We just noticed we are twins! Same date same year everything! She is just like me! I just hate we didn't know until Wod was over! :cry:
Scott- Gotta love him. He's nice but you gotta dig deep and mark your line with him! (Just don't marry him)
Wolfy- Wolf is aka the Wod Stripper :lol: I'm sure the guys will miss her but I will too she's fun!
Maxx Boldsong- How could I forget him!? he's funyn smart but he just tries to be too mature! (Loosen up but don't be like me. Aimee the Dork)
Of course there is many more but like I said It's from the top of my head I really didn't think too hard about it :)
Anyway I love you all and will miss you dearly I don't think I'll be going to another shard. I need to practice my cello a lot more but I will always be there if ya need me in heart (maybe e-mail too :wink:
BTW- I want a vote! :twisted:
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Postby Wolfie on Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:27 pm

Aimee Duk. wrote: Wolfy- Wolf is aka the Wod Stripper :lol: I'm sure the guys will miss her but I will too she's fun!

hehehe, wasnt really a stripper though - I just didnt wear a lot to begin with
(wont argue that I'm a big flirt or that guys will miss me)
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