
I really don't know why I'm writing this. Probably because a part of me still wants people to understand the points going through my head that I can't seem to convey in the written word. For most of you this will be a long, tedius and boring post that will not have any meaning to you at all or you won't care one bit but I feel the need to try to express myself to the best of my ability.
I didn't leave WOD for one reason I left for several that to me made my playing on this particular shard unenjoyable. Yes, I know some of you are thinking "You left already. Why don't you get the hell out and stay gone." I'm sorry but as much as I hate to admit it, WOD gets into your system and whether you want to or not, you start to care. It's the first and only UO I've ever played. I didn't have the misfortune of playing on OSI or any other shard. WOD was my first.
I've been part of an online text based RPG for seven years. I have been and currently am involved in the administration of that RPG. I've always been involved in the politics of my gaming. I feel it's imperative to do anything possible to assist in the progress of any game that anyone participates in. Not to mention I'm not the type that can't possibly read something and not respond if I think a point is being overlooked or someone is being wrongfully judged. With that being said, it explains my inability to keep from posting on the boards my personal thoughts and opinions on the subject matter.
That's the first point. I'm not finger pointing and I'm not insulting. I'm trying to express how I feel in the most mature and unoffensive manner that I can. WOD has a select group of gamers that feel it's their duty and responsiblity to defend their game. I applaud that. But at the risk of defending it, they're condescending, slightly insultive and demeaning to other players that have expressed their own opininions. As someone once stated, this is a discussion forum. It's for discussion therefore any subject posted shouldn't be considered taboo. When this selective group thinks their game has been offended, they immediately go into attack mode and start doing "damage control" usually ending with the impression that if the original poster doesn't like it, they can get the hell out.
If a friend loaned you a book, you read it and you didn't like it at all. When they asked about it would you smile and say "I loved every minute of it because I didn't have to buy it!"? What if a close friend took you out to lunch and you had the worst meal you've ever had. Would you then say "That was wonderful because you paid for it!"? What about if your boss handed you new pencils and you realized they had no lead. You walk up to him and say "These pencils have no lead." He glares at you and says "Why are you complaining, they're free." Just because something is free doesn't make it right. The shard is free and for that many people are thankful. As someone else said it is amazing what free can buy these days. The administration donates their own time to run this shard for the pure enjoyment of other people. No one has ever forgotten that. No one ever takes that for granted.
To some people the shard is wonderful but they feel as if something is missing. They only want to help make it better. They don't understand why their suggestions are considered insultive and they sure as hell don't understand why they're getting beat to death on the forums simply for suggesting a new shoe style or for asking if something is or could be made available. Just because someone suggests something does not mean it's a complaint. I think a lot of people fail to see that. A suggestion is a far cry from a complaint. Not everyone has the writing ability, nor the inclination, to post a query that isn't offensive to just about every group out there. It's not possible. Someone is always going to find offense with it. That happens here far too often. A person can post an inquiry, they make the mistake of wording it incorrectly and whammo, they're shot, dressed and served up for the rest of the group to gnaw on. They walk away from the boards thinking "How the heck did that happen? They hate me." Then the defensive mechanism kicks in and the next time they're hateful. That's just fuel for the fire and those that did the roasteing are pointing and saying "See? I told you he/she was a jerk. This only proves my point." and they walk off all proud of themselves because they shot yet another person down.
Why would anyone feel the need to continually insult, degrade and generally make others feel incompetent all the while labeling it logical, mature and intelligent discussion?
How would you feel if every decision, every opinion was analyzed by some guy with a clipboard standing next to you.
"Sir, why did you buy that particular brand of cereal?"
"Because I like the box."
"Did you evern consider what's inside the box?"
"Yes, it says I get a free Bobblehead."
"I meant, are you buying this cereal because you've tried it before and found it to your liking?"
"Well, no. I was going strictly on asthetic box quality."
"Well that's just stupid. You can't judge a cereal by it's box"
"Everyone...this man is an idiot. He said he buys cereal strictly because he likes the box. Anyone else wanna take a whack at him?"
If the guy wants to buy cereal based on what the box looks like...that's his right. He doesn't need someone evaluating every move or opinion he makes. I hate seeing someone post on the boards then get ripped to shreds for some minor thing. It irks me and I feel the need to don my superhero cape and tights and rush to their defense. I end up drowning us both but that doesn't mean I should stop trying to help. One day, I just might get it right and actually rescue someone.
I must admit, I've done my share of gnashing of teeth and posting condescending responses. I'm only human and when I get riled I get snotty like any other human being. Don't expect that to change because I plan on being human until I die.
As far as my issue with administration, as I said, I've been on that side and it's VERY hard not to have personal feelings toward a particular subject or person but we always have to try our best. I felt that by calling a player a cry baby on the message boards was a bit over the line but then again, I'm not familiar with the ethics of this administration so I had no call to be offensive. I pointed out my opinion and should have left it at that.
When someone said I had left another player said something about "OSI is looking for good players". Ironic that this player didn't even know me personally yet felt the overwhelming desire to suggest that I would fit in with OSI quite nicely. I don't know about OSI, never played there but I've heard nothing good about it. This leads me to question: If you don't know someone at all, how can you suggest they go to a particular place for their enjoyment? Or was that player just trying to fit in with the group and be snide? I didn't see a response to anything that I had posted before so it must have just been one of those players who felt they needed to defend their "home" from someone who had left it. ????
And Liselle, I'm clearing the air. I didn't hide any insults from you. The post was pretty self explanitory. I was telling you to shut up. Which I had no right to do but it is a discussion forum. I will apologize for hurting your feelings but not for letting you know that the posts were getting on my nerves.I have that right just as much as you have a right to post them.
Recently I've had the sweetest little birdie perched on my shoulder chirping in my ear in the evenings and I've come to realize that we had some very good friends on WOD. I played them off as just people in the game but now that I've gotten to know a few on a more personal level, I think WOD is damn lucky to have the player base that it has. You have a solid group of good people that are here not only to play the game but to be with friends. I never realized I was considered one of those friends and now that I know that I am, it warms my heart. I'm not sure if Thomas and I will return but I did want people to know, WOD isn't just a place you can pack up and leave no matter if you delete all your chars or not. I keep finding myself drawn to the boards to see how people are doing and what's going on. I think I will always be checking the boards so be careful what you say about the departed, they may rise up from the dead to haunt you.
Thank you for the opportunity to play on your shard.
I didn't leave WOD for one reason I left for several that to me made my playing on this particular shard unenjoyable. Yes, I know some of you are thinking "You left already. Why don't you get the hell out and stay gone." I'm sorry but as much as I hate to admit it, WOD gets into your system and whether you want to or not, you start to care. It's the first and only UO I've ever played. I didn't have the misfortune of playing on OSI or any other shard. WOD was my first.
I've been part of an online text based RPG for seven years. I have been and currently am involved in the administration of that RPG. I've always been involved in the politics of my gaming. I feel it's imperative to do anything possible to assist in the progress of any game that anyone participates in. Not to mention I'm not the type that can't possibly read something and not respond if I think a point is being overlooked or someone is being wrongfully judged. With that being said, it explains my inability to keep from posting on the boards my personal thoughts and opinions on the subject matter.
That's the first point. I'm not finger pointing and I'm not insulting. I'm trying to express how I feel in the most mature and unoffensive manner that I can. WOD has a select group of gamers that feel it's their duty and responsiblity to defend their game. I applaud that. But at the risk of defending it, they're condescending, slightly insultive and demeaning to other players that have expressed their own opininions. As someone once stated, this is a discussion forum. It's for discussion therefore any subject posted shouldn't be considered taboo. When this selective group thinks their game has been offended, they immediately go into attack mode and start doing "damage control" usually ending with the impression that if the original poster doesn't like it, they can get the hell out.
If a friend loaned you a book, you read it and you didn't like it at all. When they asked about it would you smile and say "I loved every minute of it because I didn't have to buy it!"? What if a close friend took you out to lunch and you had the worst meal you've ever had. Would you then say "That was wonderful because you paid for it!"? What about if your boss handed you new pencils and you realized they had no lead. You walk up to him and say "These pencils have no lead." He glares at you and says "Why are you complaining, they're free." Just because something is free doesn't make it right. The shard is free and for that many people are thankful. As someone else said it is amazing what free can buy these days. The administration donates their own time to run this shard for the pure enjoyment of other people. No one has ever forgotten that. No one ever takes that for granted.
To some people the shard is wonderful but they feel as if something is missing. They only want to help make it better. They don't understand why their suggestions are considered insultive and they sure as hell don't understand why they're getting beat to death on the forums simply for suggesting a new shoe style or for asking if something is or could be made available. Just because someone suggests something does not mean it's a complaint. I think a lot of people fail to see that. A suggestion is a far cry from a complaint. Not everyone has the writing ability, nor the inclination, to post a query that isn't offensive to just about every group out there. It's not possible. Someone is always going to find offense with it. That happens here far too often. A person can post an inquiry, they make the mistake of wording it incorrectly and whammo, they're shot, dressed and served up for the rest of the group to gnaw on. They walk away from the boards thinking "How the heck did that happen? They hate me." Then the defensive mechanism kicks in and the next time they're hateful. That's just fuel for the fire and those that did the roasteing are pointing and saying "See? I told you he/she was a jerk. This only proves my point." and they walk off all proud of themselves because they shot yet another person down.
Why would anyone feel the need to continually insult, degrade and generally make others feel incompetent all the while labeling it logical, mature and intelligent discussion?
How would you feel if every decision, every opinion was analyzed by some guy with a clipboard standing next to you.
"Sir, why did you buy that particular brand of cereal?"
"Because I like the box."
"Did you evern consider what's inside the box?"
"Yes, it says I get a free Bobblehead."
"I meant, are you buying this cereal because you've tried it before and found it to your liking?"
"Well, no. I was going strictly on asthetic box quality."
"Well that's just stupid. You can't judge a cereal by it's box"
"Everyone...this man is an idiot. He said he buys cereal strictly because he likes the box. Anyone else wanna take a whack at him?"
If the guy wants to buy cereal based on what the box looks like...that's his right. He doesn't need someone evaluating every move or opinion he makes. I hate seeing someone post on the boards then get ripped to shreds for some minor thing. It irks me and I feel the need to don my superhero cape and tights and rush to their defense. I end up drowning us both but that doesn't mean I should stop trying to help. One day, I just might get it right and actually rescue someone.
I must admit, I've done my share of gnashing of teeth and posting condescending responses. I'm only human and when I get riled I get snotty like any other human being. Don't expect that to change because I plan on being human until I die.
As far as my issue with administration, as I said, I've been on that side and it's VERY hard not to have personal feelings toward a particular subject or person but we always have to try our best. I felt that by calling a player a cry baby on the message boards was a bit over the line but then again, I'm not familiar with the ethics of this administration so I had no call to be offensive. I pointed out my opinion and should have left it at that.
When someone said I had left another player said something about "OSI is looking for good players". Ironic that this player didn't even know me personally yet felt the overwhelming desire to suggest that I would fit in with OSI quite nicely. I don't know about OSI, never played there but I've heard nothing good about it. This leads me to question: If you don't know someone at all, how can you suggest they go to a particular place for their enjoyment? Or was that player just trying to fit in with the group and be snide? I didn't see a response to anything that I had posted before so it must have just been one of those players who felt they needed to defend their "home" from someone who had left it. ????
And Liselle, I'm clearing the air. I didn't hide any insults from you. The post was pretty self explanitory. I was telling you to shut up. Which I had no right to do but it is a discussion forum. I will apologize for hurting your feelings but not for letting you know that the posts were getting on my nerves.I have that right just as much as you have a right to post them.
Recently I've had the sweetest little birdie perched on my shoulder chirping in my ear in the evenings and I've come to realize that we had some very good friends on WOD. I played them off as just people in the game but now that I've gotten to know a few on a more personal level, I think WOD is damn lucky to have the player base that it has. You have a solid group of good people that are here not only to play the game but to be with friends. I never realized I was considered one of those friends and now that I know that I am, it warms my heart. I'm not sure if Thomas and I will return but I did want people to know, WOD isn't just a place you can pack up and leave no matter if you delete all your chars or not. I keep finding myself drawn to the boards to see how people are doing and what's going on. I think I will always be checking the boards so be careful what you say about the departed, they may rise up from the dead to haunt you.
Thank you for the opportunity to play on your shard.