I read Drocket's "The Project" introduction and I want to cry. The very act of finishing each paragraph pisses away another drop of respect for the man. It literally makes me want to cry. I can understand the desire to let go of a project which you have driven forward forever - I can understand that as well or perhaps better than almost anyone else here. But to replace it with this ... this ... uninspired tripe?
From Drocket's "The Project" introduction:
The Project is an experiment, in many ways: as far as I know, no Ultima Online shard has ever been developed in the way that I plan to develop the Project. How so? Because I plan to involve you, the (hopefully) future players of the Project in its development far earlier than players normally become involved in this sort of project. I plan to give you to far more control of the basic attributes of the shard than players normally ever have.
This is like getting a new art pallette and handing a thousand people brushes. It is the million monkey driven typewriters of the internet that we hear of so often. 99% of the creative works in the world have one, or at most a handful, of authors because vision is dilluted when everyone pisses in the pot.
Here's a clue for you Drocket - it's been done a million times and you haven't heard about it because it hasn't *worked*. Search the web for dead game mods and foundered team efforts because they lacked vision. You can find dozens. Anyone who really has vision, drive, and time is already working thier own project and not waiting for you to raise the flag of ... well, nothing in particular.
You, the players, will have control of virtually everything. I say virtually because there are a few things upon which I must insist: the first is that the Project will predominately be a non-PvP shard. The second is that it must be a place of positiveness, of friendship and love, of players joining together because they believe that they can have more fun working together than in working apart. The third and final restriction is one of functionallity (AKA - some things just are't possible, often because of restrictions in the UO client.)
Control over what? Drocket offers pages of bureaucracy but if you swing over to the ideas section of his message boards he's started not a single thread. Is he saying that the rules don't matter as long as the peace and love flow? He's created at least 3 levels of bureaucracy and not a single part of the game system. That's not a foundation to build on, it's a quagmire.
Beyond that, pretty much everything is up to you. I plan to act as your guide, and implementor of what is decided. In this forum, I will post threads discussing issues that seem to be the most pressing. There is a second forum (titled 'Suggestions and New Ideas') where you can post any new idea that you wish. Eventually, once things get somewhat settled down, a lot of those ideas will wind up here for 'official' discussion, though for the time being, there are rather more important and central issues to discuss (no point in discussing the fine intricacies of bread baking when major topic such as how tradeskills should work in general need to be decided.)
Dumping 5 different jigsaw puzzles in the same box and hoping they come out to a coherent picture? That's sad. You're doomed - on the road to building a frankenstein monstrosity and throwing the switch, although for this kind of thing you get an arm and a leg on the table and then everyone gets bored and wanders off. I go over to "The Project" expecting some kind of neat new vision and find the UO shard equivellant of the Segway.
What really grinds my frontal lobes is that he couldn't even take the time to pass off an existing, popular project to somebody else - he tossed aside one of the most successful non-OSI UO shards, just dropped it on the floor, so he could start a bowl of soup and invite too many cooks to fiddle with it.
Drocket, quit smoking it, whatever it is.