Who was involved:
Rhys Duir
Ki'Anna Stydoran
Breamas Cilar
Dalia Vanderhaus
Anthony Wood
Shadowstone's Dog "Quest Puppy"
and an undead magic pig (yes, you read that right)
The Short: We were given a treasure map by Sebastena, which led us to another treasure map, and so on, until we had completed 9 successive treasure hunts.
The Long: A group of people, including Ki'Anna, Belmont and Breamas were trying to convince Shadowstone to come to Wind and hunt for black leather, when we discovered that Sebastena had a treasure map for us. Excited we were, for this first treasure map was coloured blue, an obvious sign that it promised vast wealth, no doubt! Of course, none of us were proficient at deciphering blue maps, but Ki'Anna gave it a go and within a short amount of time, we were off to the East Britain swamps.
Shadowstone had, at this point, introduced us to his 'mascot' by the name of Three Lives, which accompanied us along the quest, and was a constant source of good information and bad jokes.

Upon coming to the first chest, we were beset upon by a horde of supremely powerful gazers, and deadly white serpets which felled nearly all of us in the first minute of combat! It is also worth noting that the chests themselves were blue too. Suffice to say, we fought hard and died frequently, and there were many a kindly healer to bring us back to life (often repeatedly). We gated around Britannia, and in general, the next eight maps each appeared near an interesting location. The locations and what we fought are listed below:
Gazers and Serpents at East Britain Swamps
Rogue Knights and sisters at Ice Island
Chickens! at Avatar Island
Ogre Lords at the Shrine of Sacrifice
Dragons near a Graveyard near Britain Moongate
Ents near the Temple to T2A
Mongbats and headless ones near the Brigand Fort
Undead Dragons and Liches near the Orc (Ophidian) Fort
Pirates, Buccaneers and Sisters on Little Buc Island
Especially hilarious were the chickens. Not uber chickens, not tempered chickens of parrying and macefighting (or something), but plain old chickens! We had a riotous laugh at that one. In fact, the whole quest was full of joy and fun, and I myself had an especially wonderful time.
Certainly, such a quest, which was handled so well, reminded me that quests involving combat can be fun. Long had I been jaded by the opinion that they could not, but today (I am most happily proved wrong) - this quest was a wonderful, fun and joyous experience, and I cannot express my gratitude enough into the newfound respect I have for the hard-working Seers, and the enjoyment I had.
Quest Puppy (as he eventually became known) a little dog, with 60 AR and 300 Str was Shadowstone's faithful confidante, though he tended to do little more than make puns and hide behind SS, but he was a wonderful addition to the cause.
As for the magic pig? That little story goes thusly: Shadowstone had 'wished' for his puppy to appear, and lo it did, so Belmont wished for a magical pig. All along through the quests, he would hope that the chests spawned magic pigs - and sadly, they did not. Only upon the second-last map did a lone pig appear, though it was sadly chased down and killed by a few more zealous teammates. But after the sadness (mainly by Belmont) was overcome, it was back to more quests, more treasure, and more fun!
I encourage any and all participants to add highlights to this summary of the quest. There were lots of good moments, and I would dearly love to see them all posted!