by Eldric on Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:13 am
*looks nervous*
*edges back from the monitor*
Since we're discussing radical change here anyway ...
*backs up more*
I been kicking around trying out a few other shards for the last little while, predominatly runuo ones, and the more systems I try, the more I wonder if the whole permabuff (well close enough to it) we have here isn't the wrong way to go.
Maybe all buffs should be extreemly short duration.
Now a lot of rebalancing would have to be done, songest tamable would probably have to drop to named dragon, some of the midrange and harder mobs whould have to be scaled back in strength, trolls ogres and the like, I'd be inclined to leave the very hardest as they are now though, keeping the vamps out of vesper and clearing famine would become an epic level task, not something one or two people can saunter through and accomplish. Likewise actually taking out an ancient dragon would become something to brag about and not just be "ho hum, killed my 300th ancient drag today".
Just a thought...
*bolts and cowers behind the couch*