The end of Galorm and Malacor Baldo
Finding that his sword was broken as the Troll Chieftain shattered it with a deafening blow to the side, Galorm Baldo's sword was unusable as a shard of it stuck into his side. In a last despirate attempt he took the fragment out of his chest as he thrusted it through the ear of the Chieftain killing it on impact.
Bleeding as he looked over at his cousin, Malacor Baldo, just to watch him fall by an arrow through the neck from a Troll Marksman. Realizing that the world that he loved was dying and that the monsters were ever so getting stronger because of it, his favorite pray that him and his cousin loved to kill were their downfall. Stripping his armor as he head back up to the surface to watch the world that he loved one last time before his and it's demise, he thought of only the good times that he had with his freinds.
With a final draw of the first sword he had ever gotten in the world he threw it up past the entrance of the dungen of Shame, he wished a good journey to all of his freinds hoping that they would find a portal to get out of the world. As the sword stuck the ground he closed his eyes feeling an arrow stike him in the back from the very same marksman that killed his cousin as he fell one step short of the exit. His last thought was "I will die from my own acceptance...... In hope that I did my duty in life......"
The end of Iladir Salsas
Hearing the death cry of Galorm Baldo, he summoned his humonculos to the side as he ran to the dungen of Shame just to follow the bloody path to the deep relms of the dungen. He slowly watched as the monsters defiled the body for whatever they could salvage from his body. Slowly watching as he drew his arrow he looked over to see the body of Galorm's cousin, already stripped bare as a note was held in his hand; "To whoever comes before the end, I leave the knowledge that me and my cousin died well as we fought our last battle to the bitter end. We hope that our memory will always be honored and remembered......."
With the last of the note Iladir Salsas cryed out as he drew his arrows against his bow letting out a flurry of arrows onto the Trolls, hitting many of them as he retreated back to the exit. Watching his humonculos get shattered by the excess of commaned magic flowing from it to heal himself, he made a last despirate stand in honor of the freinds that got him there. Love, compassion, and honor was the only things in his mind as he went to draw another arrow just looking back at an empty quiver as he felt the earth shake and crack, feeling a sharp pillar of earth go through his body from the spell of Earthquake that the nearby Shaman cast.
The beggining of Kirsten Darkstar
Watching her henchmen die from the Lizzardman Overseer, she cryed out determining she wasn't going to die in the dungen she was able to defeat every time as her hammer pick found a home within the Overseer's head. Alas she never found out what happened to her shortlived love with Entaro Andune but he left something with her that she will cherish. Carring the bodies of her henchemen to the outside of the dungen she placed their bodies onto the river, giving them a final send off.
She rode hard and fast as she was the last in the world watching it get torn to pieces by the vast void as she seeked the last portal off of the world that she called home. Finding it at almost the end of the world she jumped off her steed jumping into the portal as it closed knowing that "I will find a new world to live on..... I know I will..... For the life of my son depends on it......."
(Sorry for the prolonged post....... It is just that it was so hard to come up for a role to symbol the end of my truly loved charaters.... Give me a little bit longer and I will post Kirsten's end..... Don't worry though, hers will be a happy one.... I promise )