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Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:00 am
by Aran Dragonblood
Re: Disgusted
Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:07 pm
by Tel'Imoen
Player Guidelines wrote:Theft. This includes taking items from other players' houses without their permission, looting their kills, looting other players without their permission. Don't take things that don't belong to you. Tame animals and animals in houses, pens or corrals should be considered the property of the person that owns house, pen or corral, or is the pet's master.
If he did as you said, then he has broken the rules (which he agreed to when signing up). Simple as that.
Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:01 pm
by Bayn
Definitely not what we consider normal WoD behavior and adverse to the Rules.
I've often killed hordes and never worried that another would come along and loot my kills before I got to them.
Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:47 pm
by Azzo Ranar
Unless I am mistaken it was his dragon that went wild at the bank and killed Quzar's henchies, and Q lost a lot of stuff when they were looted. Cooinkydink? hmmm not likely.
Sun Jan 04, 2004 6:26 pm
by Atei
In Zigfri's defense, his first language isn't English. I don't know if that contributed in this case, but I thought I would put it out there.
Also, I would much prefer this sort of thing being discussed with a GM in game rather than being posted here. Our GMs are super, and the best possible solution would be reached if they were given the opportunity.
Just some meandering thoughts...
Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:12 pm
by Azzo Ranar
I have never had a problem with Zig, I was simply saying someone might want to talk to him in his own language perhaps and sort out any problems he may have understanding some of the finer points.
Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:54 am
by Atei
I hear ya, Azzo. Language barriers can be such an issue sometimes.
Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:31 am
by Kasia/Ki'Anna
I too have had no problems with Zigfri.The language barrier can be quite difficult at times(Atei was correct about English not being his first language)but with patience this can be overcome.I'm sure he meant no harm and most likely misunderstood about the looting.I agree that it might be prudent to have someone that speaks his language have a talk to him to hopefully prevent such misunderstandings in future.
Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:16 pm
by Macitor
Hey Kal, I am sorry that happened to you pal.
I agree with you as well as everything that has been said here. English would be a second (or maybe even third) language for him. I have had no issues with Zigfri. In fact, I am afraid I gave him that dragon that went wild (was it a yellow one? If so, *sigh*)But he, like everyone else is expected to know and abide by the rules of our play here. If one is visiting someone's house, they are expected to be respectful of the house rules. If one does not know, ask.
Atei, that is true. If a GM was informed they could keep a watchful "eye" on the player in question. Thanks for that suggestion. Although Kalisten doesn't mention it, he probably already paged one.
Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:53 pm
by Atei
Kal, sorry that it happened to you. It sucks to do all of the work and get none of the rewards.
Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:10 pm
by Aran Dragonblood
In retrospect I could have been a bit more patient with him I suppose, but alas emotion took over thinking in this case. I understand His first language is not English, But this wasnt what this was about. Also More of a curiousity question to throw out there. If he can not understand english well how did he fill out the application to join Wod? In my oppinon I think he may understand english Alot better than we think eventhough he may not speak it well. Beyond That I wish Zigfri No ill will as long as he can play nice. *shrugs* Oh well I guess you live and learn.
Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:59 pm
by Bloodoak
I think he also did it to Mrs Byrch in cove. She didnt remember the name exactly and my memory isnt as good as it used to be.
Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:17 pm
by [Kobayashi]
So what is his native language?
Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:23 pm
by Bassett
It seems to be Spanish.
Sun Jan 11, 2004 3:20 am
by Leia Ranar
I am going to stick up for Zig but only one one thing. Tonight he and I had a situation that turned very very ugly because he didnt "listen" to me.
After we were ressed and things were being weeded out we realized he cant see the text of some of us.
We were a group of 4 and he could only read the text of one player on the screen. I took his not listening as a language barrier, when actually its more of a - i dont see your text issue. I had only used words like STOP and NO!! and was wondering how the heck he didn't understand those.
He is working on getting help to resolve this issue- which i hope in turn will resolve a few more of the misunderstandings he has had.
If you believe he isn't listening to you try .msg him. He appears to see those.