It has been a while since I have played but will probably be on more now. I want to roll some new characters out and I am curious about some things. I have been out of the loop a while so I thought I would ask you guys
First off: Melee fighting. I have read that the melee abilities have been increased so that lower level fighters can be a bit more capable and that overall damage and accuracy have been improved. I am curious though, is having melee skills as secondaries adequate for the typical dungeon crawling? or is having melee primed really significantly better. What I mean by significant in that a person with 80 tactics/parry/swords wouldnt be able to handle the same stuff as he master guy. Would this be the case? or is it still pretty possible but just takes longer?
second: Barding. I thought I heard something about barding changes. Is it at all possible to play a tank bard? I really would like to but I know that it was not possible when I played last.
Third: anatomy. Is having anatomy at 100 really do an increase on damage? or is the added damage from critical hits due to 100 anatomy not really worth getting it that high. Also, say I had 100 healing...would 100 anatomy make a really significant difference?
Now I will cut to the chase of why I am curious about this...I am thinking about making a fighter that has primaries of healing, anatomy, and magic resist with secondaries swords,tactics, parry. I have good buffs for parry and swords so I will have 90 swords/parry and 84 tactics with the items I have.. The tank bard is the other thought I had..but dont know if its even remotely possible to do.
Thanks guys for any feedback or pointers!