Q&A Forum

For discussion and questions about the World of Dream boards and website

Postby Azzo Ranar on Fri Aug 13, 2004 6:34 pm

I recomend, "Hi I am a lazy moron and didn't bother reading the manual because I knew someone would tell me anyway" forum.
Azzo Ranar
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Postby Marius the Black on Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:42 am

Drocket wrote:You're probably right that it needs a new name

I believe it needs to be something a little more clearer than "in-game assistance", but along the same lines. All the other Forums make sense and are clear as to what they do, but I feel that the In-game assistance one sounds like you're paging a DM via the forums.

Fair enough though, Q&A is probably not the best title out there. What I would like to see though, is perhaps making it a little more clearer that it is a place to ask questions about UO, much like having like a 'manual' for the forums, that more people visit. So instead of people saying "have you read the manual?" we could say "have you checked the [manual] forum?"

thesaurus.com wrote: Question: ask about, catechize, challenge, cook, cross-examine, enquire, examine, go over, grill, hit, hit up, inquire, interrogate, interview, investigate, knock, make inquiry, petition, probe, pry, pump, query, quest, quiz, raise

Forum: appointment, argument, chalk talk, colloquium, colloquy, confabulation, conferring, congress, consultation, conversation, convocation, deliberation, discussion, forum, groupthink, huddle, interchange, interview, meeting, palaver, parley, powwow, rap, rap session, round table, seminar, symposium, talk, think-in, ventilation

Assistance: abetment, aid, assist, backing, benefit, boost, collaboration, comfort, compensation, cooperation, facilitation, furtherance, hand, help, helping hand, lift, reinforcement, relief, service, support, sustenance

I posted that above to help people (and myself) think of maybe some better words to use to describe the "in-game assistance" forum. Though obviously, taking them at random is a bad idea. ;) But, as I said, they are there to help get people thinking about what would be perhaps a more clearer - not better - name for the forum, and that is all that I asked for.

I will have a think on this too, and see if I can come up with something. I do like the subtitle for that Forum "post your in-game questions here", because it's specific and obvious what the intentions of the forum are. Though maybe, it could be "Have a question? Get an answer here" or something like that, in lieu with the new title. But still, first things first: a more clerer forum name.

Anyone reading this thread, I heartily suggest to make any suggestions known. I am sure when Drocket finds one that he thinks is best, it will certainly help the Forums and also the newer players who have questions.

Marius the Black
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Postby Azzo Ranar on Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:03 am

But remember folks, no matter how you put it, reading the manual is the best recourse here.
Azzo Ranar
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Postby simon on Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:15 am

THe manual is out of date at best. Alot of the time you get, i searched the manual and found nothing or a few things but not what i am lookin for, here's my question on (fill in blank)

ah well, what can you do.
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Postby Bayn on Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:37 am

simon wrote:THe manual is out of date at best. Alot of the time you get, i searched the manual and found nothing or a few things but not what i am lookin for, here's my question on (fill in blank)

ah well, what can you do.

The Manual is somewhat out of date but not horribly so. Most of the "newbie" questions I've seen in the forums could have been satisfied with a few seconds browsing the manual. It is easier for most people to just shoot off a quick post and ask questions rather than go through the effort to find information. Much the same as it is easier for them to die and stand there waiting for someone to rescue them rather than msg someone and ask for help. If they don't get hundreds of "can I help?" messages, they feel WoD is an unfriendly place or something.

Bah, I just say WTM to all that!!
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Postby Marius the Black on Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:27 am

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Marius the Black
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