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Postby Ehran on Sat May 01, 2004 7:59 pm

two things which have been the death of more conspiracy theories are

1) never ascribe to malice what simple incompetence and/or laziness will account for.

2) good old Occam's Razor.
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Postby Guest on Sun May 02, 2004 6:09 am

Ehran wrote:its exactly the same principle that a blast furnace works on.

You don't actually know how a blast furnace works do you?
read this:
A blast furnace is able to reach steel melting temperatures by a series of special chemical reactions combined with, critically, the use of intense air pressure:

Large volumes of air, from 80,000 ft3/min to 230,000 ft3/min, are generated from a turbo blower and flow through the "cold blast main" (14) up to the stoves. This cold blast then enters the stove that has been previously heated and the heat stored in the refractory brick inside the stove is transferred to the "cold blast" to form "hot blast".

There is no such source of air pressure in a building fire whatsoever.

Lets examine another photo:
http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidenc ... crash2.jpg
Here we see the second impact explosion and the fire from the first.

Lets talk about the fire on the right first, one that officials claim melted steel. One can hardly even see any flames, especially in the impact hole. You may think that because there is a lot of smoke there is a big fire, but that is not true. A fire that burns efficiently (one that is very hot) produces no smoke (like the jet fuel explosion of the left). But even a small fire produces a lot of smoke if it isn't burning well, if it is relatively cool/starved for oxygen. It is simply impossible for the fire we see to melt steel.

The fire we see on the left is the explosion of jet fuel escaping into the atmosphere. It is burning hot and cleanly (but still not hot enough to melt steel even considering the pressure of the explosion.) The duration of the explosion would be the time when the WTC steel beams would be hottest. And yet the towers withstood the explosions, suddenly collapsing an hour or more after.

Whatever made the WTC towers fall it wasn't the fires. Anyone using science can see the official explanation is bull.

Postby Drocket on Sun May 02, 2004 6:18 am

Anonymous wrote:Lets talk about the fire on the right first, one that officials claim melted steel.


Anyone using science can see the official explanation is bull.

Anyone with the ability to read knows that the official explaination doesn't even involve melting steel.
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Postby Guest on Sun May 02, 2004 6:26 am

Because I can't explain the mistakes of the FBI you think the whole theory cannot stand?
Drocket wrote:
They are alive (except in the US.)

You asked for a reason that a Saudi prince would falsely declare them to be the 'real' people and I gave you one. You simply come back with a blanket statement that ignore the arguments. And so, I'm guessing that this discussion is coming to a close, since we seem to have reached the point where you're unable to even present arguments to counter my own and are forced to switch over the to 'La-la-la-la-la can't hear you' method of debate...

The articles I linked to aren't just based on what the Saudis claim though. It is you who fails to even examine the evidence you are pretending to be arguing against. Read the articles:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle ... 559151.stm
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... iden23.xml
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/Daily ... 10920.html

Then read the whole book. Until you read the whole book you will always be in the "'La-la-la-la-la can't hear you' method of debate..."

Postby Guest on Sun May 02, 2004 6:27 am

Drocket wrote:Anyone with the ability to read knows that the official explaination doesn't even involve melting steel.

Softened/weakened steel is what I ment, the same arguments apply.

Postby Guest on Sun May 02, 2004 6:39 am

Just because the truth hasn't come out yet doesn't mean it won't. I think that if the Patriot Act hadn't been put in place the truth would already be public.

You probably haven't heard much of Sibel Edmonds on the big networks, but I am watching her story with great interest:
http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl? ... 29/1513230
An ex-FBI translator she claims the FBI had foreknowledge of 9-11, but is under a gag order from the White House.

She was fired after reporting to her superior that she was approached by a coworker who claimed to be a mole from another intelligence agency and tried to recruit her.

Postby Drocket on Sun May 02, 2004 6:50 am

Anonymous wrote:Then read the whole book. Until you read the whole book you will always be in the "'La-la-la-la-la can't hear you' method of debate..."

It would help if the book was written in a sane, rational 'here are the facts' manner instead of rambling around willy-nilly like it was written by a schizophrenic author who's taken a bad batch of LSD.
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Postby Guest on Sun May 02, 2004 3:03 pm

Well, the formatting ended up being screwy when I tried to copy/paste it in the previous thread.
Its much easier to read here:
http://www.voxfux.com/features/stranger ... iction.htm

You could give it another try?

Postby Elwen Dragonfire on Sun May 02, 2004 5:00 pm

hehe drocket your having too much fun. Guest...whom ever you are...use your head buddy. What drocket is saying is the sane way to look at things. Are you just too far gone to see that? It may look like we are just making fun or whatever but we are trying to help and show you that you are wrong and shouldnt think like this. Being like this just causes problems and fights...and I have a question...Where do you live/where are you from? not the U.S you couldnt be...I dont know any american citizen that talks so...badly against his own country. so maybe you could shed some light on my question...

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Postby Drocket on Sun May 02, 2004 7:59 pm

Anonymous wrote:Well, the formatting ended up being screwy

Let me assure you, its not the formatting that's the problem (well, actually, the formatting of the original IS some of the problem...) To start with, the 'are you a lemming' (with an actual picture of a lemming) doesn't do a whole lot to enhance the author's credibility. That's what I call the 'You're not cool unless you believe everything I say, now shut up and drink the Kool-Aid' theory of political debate.

The later stab at justifying Hitler's attempted genocide shows the author's true background and the reason why they chose to write this 'book'. When they continue on to call America 'Israel's whore', well, if they had any credibility to lose at that point, that would have more than drained the rest.

And as I already mentioned, using Google searches as footnotes pretty much makes the whole thing into a bad joke.
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Postby Raiden Stydoran on Mon May 03, 2004 5:10 am

Elwen Dragonfire wrote:Where do you live/where are you from? not the U.S you couldnt be...I dont know any american citizen that talks so...badly against his own country.

I agree that "guest" is a few bricks short of a full load but you must only watch fox news or must only talk to bush/war supporters to think that!
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon May 03, 2004 1:42 pm

Bogus Article Author wrote:Due to the fact that well organized efforts are under way to suppress these facts, some of these news links are mysteriously disappearing even as we speak!

Yet another reason why this article will never become a published work.
"Editor: So what happened to your sources?"
"Conspiracy guy: Those bloody Jews have gained control of the internet! It's a conspiracy I tell ya! A conspiracy!!!"
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Postby Krellen Ranar on Mon May 03, 2004 4:51 pm

This post was done from Krellens PC by Azzo.

Let me tell you a lil about why Americans talk bad about our country. Firts and foremost, we are not talking about our "country", in general we are talking about the choices our screwed up, corporate ran, special interest group guided (ie the largest monetary contributor, or highest paid lobyist)goverment. The us government is as corrupt as any on the planet, they just hide it better. I love my country if for nothing other than the right to stand up and shout our leadership sucks rotten dirty donkey testicals. America had, and still has no reason or right to be in Iraq, screw the oil, I want my friends back oh wait they are dead. I hope the oil we are not even going to get makes it easier for them to rest in peace. America practicaly wiped out the natives on this soil to claim it as our birthright, what a country sounds almost like Sadam and his cronies telling them hey you will live here or how about Sharon the Butcher, telling the Palestinians the same thing. Look at history closely with open eys, not media clouded vision and you will see for yourself nothing I say is conjecture but historical fact. Stick to the facts not the conspiracy theory, it is still scary enough to be called dangerous.
Guest, if you are Lyl you are a fricking coward, and I piss in your general direction. Go fornicate with a fencepost. If you are not Lyl the same still applies but in a lesser form as I was of the oppinion that regardless of Lyl's convictions she/he was still at least forward enough to put her/his name to a post.
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Postby Krellen Ranar on Mon May 03, 2004 5:00 pm

So Guest, are you Lyl?????
Krellen Ranar
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Postby Rroucu on Mon May 03, 2004 6:24 pm

Guest, My friend, My fellow manthing. Have a Beer, and chill-out. Next you'll be blaming us Canadians!
Oh and uh by the way, Did you know that the Dhali Lama came to Canada? He is here because Canada's zionist government wants to gain control of Tibet. China is allowing this because they want to gain control of Canada, but THEY know. And soon THEY will rule the WORLD!!!

Seriously, You need to chill. There isnt a whole lot you can do about such things, even if true. Just enjoy the life you are given, and share it with the ones you love. Have faith, the sun always shines after the storm. 8)
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