OOC Update to BD5x2

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OOC Update to BD5x2

Postby Homer on Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:32 pm

Progress is cut almost in half because I the boys are restricting all combat and exploration activities to game daytime. On my current home configuration, night is truly dark, and combat encounters are almost certain death due to inability to flee- a critical part of winning fights at this point. Fleeing is hampered by inability to quickly open doors or run through the jungle without getting stuck.
The boys have managed to kill a few brigands, pirates, and adept mages and have almost complete sets of leather armor to ac 9-10 and some fairly good weapons. They cannot yet handle pirate brutes or named mages, and are running out of the punier guys. They are starving. They found one food item in loot, but are hoarding it, intending to use food like a potion. No tools, which is the biggest bummer. Skill erosion is not yet an issue, but it is accumulating.
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A dramatic development

Postby Homer on Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:48 pm

Killing brigands and pirates has now paid big dividends. The boys have looted an inshave. For the uninitiated, that is a woodworking tool. That means containers, torches, shields and, perhaps most importantly- fishing poles meaning food food food, as well as the chances for other bounty of the sea.
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Postby Bayn on Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:53 pm

Sounds fascinating albeit strenuous as well as touch 'n go. Thanks for the reports. Too bad we don't have a magic eye to follow you all around and transmit real time images. Since everyone has clothes on now and even armor, it'd fit into some sort of family programming slot.
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progress update

Postby Homer on Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:54 am

Well, the boys have passed the 2500gp mark, but I am not going to let them off the hook, because they clearly can do more. All are in leather now, ar 10-12 plus wood kite shields, when desired. They have plenty of food now, as well. They have killed a couple of pirate brutes and full mages as well as pirates, adept mages, brigands, and marksmen. They have just one magic item, a gnarled staff of might.
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Postby Atei on Mon Sep 01, 2003 4:38 am

So yer gonna make 'em find another way off the island Homer? The magic route, perhaps?
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Victory Conditions

Postby Homer on Mon Sep 01, 2003 5:12 am

Yeah, if it doesn't take them too long. I'll probably call it a "win" regardless, but it would be cool if they mastered the place a bit more, first. And if they get a magic ticket back... super cool.
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Re: Victory Conditions

Postby Bayn on Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:35 pm

Homer wrote:Yeah, if it doesn't take them too long. I'll probably call it a "win" regardless, but it would be cool if they mastered the place a bit more, first. And if they get a magic ticket back... super cool.

Too bad there isn't such a thing as swimming...or building a raft or boat.
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Update on progress and plans

Postby Homer on Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:03 am

All right, I have decided to carry over the adventure into next weekend. I might get on during the week to do some crafts and fishing and whatnot, but my mobile connection simply won't support fights in leather against bone dewds. The good news is that I am flying in home Thursday night, so will have another long weekend. I will try to get the story postings up to date during the week but I have a tough short week of work ahead, so not sure how much I will get done of that, either.
Everyone has been great about staying away from BD and I really appreciate it. If you could stay out a bit longer, it would help, but I have no right to expect it of everyone.
Say, since there will be a bit of a delay, I will post a summary of the current situation and what we need to do next, and maybe you all can participate in coming up with some strategic ideas to try.
Thanks for your patience and support.
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