Yesterday morning I was running around Brit trying to find something todo when I heard a death cry far off. I yelled back to the deccessed if she required help and set off on a rescue (All by my lonesome) when I got to moonglows cemetary it was loaded with the undead after some running bacvk and forth trying to put a whole in their defences I was killed with chain lightnings (repeated castings by multiple individuals) in my ghost form I logged off and got my sister Annita to bring her dragon. When she got there it was looking good untill the same cast chain lightning again. The story goes on like this for awhile. Mer worrier about my stuff decaying and worried I was going to be late for school (I ended up logging off and going to school without getting any of my stuf back). When I got back from school I contacted the person I recucued and they were just finishing up. THis was about 2 hours later
Moral of the story: Dont do a rescue before school/work heheh
Can someone update me on what happened after I left?
Thx to everyone that helped.
Next time I see those spirits: