
In-character discussion

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket


Postby Bayn on Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:03 am

I just wanted to thank Thorn Stormrider. It seems that everytime that one of my characters die, he unfailingly inquires if I need help and drops whatever he is doing to conduct a rescue.

Tonight, Wyspr and his faithful companion Plum were out for about two hours clearing the area east and north of Yew and the Justice shrine of anything that looked at us even crosseyed.

We were tired (that is my only excuse) and just before we hung it up and returned home to Occlo, I spotted two reapers fairly close to one another. Plum attacked one and I decided to drop a firefield on the other so it could cook a bit until Plum had time for it. Both reapers bracketed me with simultaneous chain lightnings. I had already taken a bit of damage anyway and that was enough to put the lights out.

Almost immediately Thorn called me and rushed to my aid which was good because Yew and the nearest healer was a LONG way off.

So, kudos to Thorn and I'll try not to make this a habit. It is blasted expensive for one thing!

Note: Kudos to ALL those that selfishlessly go out to conduct rescues. Thorn certainly isn't the only one. :)

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