Hail all!
My brother Wydyn was doing courier service in Jhelom this afternoon to boost his basic statistics since he is still rather low in a couple. He delivered packages to Babette and Clementine, Alston and Damita, and was picking up a delivery from Muriel when he saw a slinky form outside the window. It was scaled, ugly, and by golly, it was a lizardman!
Wydyn turned to Muriel and said, "Say sweet lady, you have a lot of fish in here don't you?", eyeing the racks of pungent fish steaks arrayed over the counters.
She looked at him disbelievingly and replied, "Is that a line? Is that the best you can do? I've heard much better from your brother."
Wydyn blushed and stammeringly ejaculated "The..th..the reason is because there are lizardmen outside your window and lizzes love fish!"
Muriel took one look and screamed so loud that trays of fish went splat to the floor. "Get your brother, you can't help! What are you gonna do, throw boxes at them?"
She had a good point, so Wydyn recalled home and woke me up, just when I was having a rather excellent dream concerning, coincidentally, Babette and Clementine and a tub full of jellied ginseng. Don't ask...
I sighed when I heard the news. Three straight days of invasions. I was just glad that Shao had repaired my mace and armor this morning. I shrugged on my plate armor, refilled my regeants bag, hopped on Darlin and buffed.
I went through the moongate cautiously but there was no one there. Hmm, maybe Wydyn had been daydreaming again. I moved forwards slowly, noting Babette and Clementine in their shop. I grinned as I thought of the dream and then a hulking, sinuous shape wiped the smile from my face. There WERE lizardmen here.
I hurriedly msg'd several people at random and rode out to confront the foe. Two swings of my mace and everything stopped...it was as if I was in a dream, thinking I was fighting lizardmen but unable to move. It was quite awful. I waited with restrained panic, wondering if I would be alive when I returned.
I eventually "came back" and found two dead lizardmen at my feet and an enraged overseer charging towards me. As I dealt with him I msg'd another couple people. Just at this time, Chelsea Duklain msg'd me and mentioned the invasion. I replied, "Yes, sorry I didn't say anything but I was busy swinging my mace and just told the first 2 or 3 people I could find. Are you doing ok?"
She msg'd me back replying "Oh, there are a lot of them but I am one tough cookie." I chuckled and agreed as I finished rearranged the geometry of the overseers skull. I yoinked his sorry butt, went around the corner of Muriel's shop and immediately encountered about a dozen more lizards. I led a few off to the south and ran into at least a dozen more hungry, hissing lizardmen. I was astonished to see such high ranking ones in the groups about town. There were Kings, Overseers, Subjugators, Warlocks along with the less intensive warriors, defenders, shamans and whatnot.
I can't begin to really describe the battle. I fought alone through virtually all of it but a good, effective group did form and methodically sweep through the town. It was not as deadly as the one with the evil, awesomely powerful rats last night, but the sheer numbers of the lizards overwhelmed some of the defenders. I was lucky not to play ghostie at several points, especially the time I realized my mace hand was empty and the Overseer I was fighting was taking an awfully long time to take damage. I realized that my wrestling skill had been improving but what the heck had happened to my mace? Oh, whew, it was in my pack for some unknow reason. It was easy to get overwhelmed or nailed by a nasty Assassin. At one point, Adonis bought the farm (for a very good price!) with a King lizard and his attendants, and a few others died as well. I am not sure how I manged to hold onto my wits, much less my life.
I found Abra and Glenny's bodies lying torn to pieces on the floor of their shop with a King lizardman, a subjugator and two warriors feasting upon them. I bellowed with rage and attacked the King. He was tough but I finally managed to crown him.
At one point, I was in the inn, just NE of Tertia's armory. I went in to kill a few lizardmen who had wandered in there to get a bite to eat, or to take a nap. As I entered, an unbelievable number of lizardmen boiled out of the the south! I slammed the door and moved to take out the two Subjugator's within. The outside crew nearly ripped the door off the hinges and poured in. The air was filled with hisses and roars, spears flashed and eldritch spells burned.
I know y'all probably hate it when I do this, but in the room surrounding me was:
You see: Isassthys the lizardman
You see: Ytsthih the lizardman defender
You see: Siaththh the lizardman
You see: Thals the lizardman overseer
You see: Shasits the lizardman warrior
You see: Lishaless the lizardman subjugator
You see: Istis the lizardman defender
You see: Thtisthh the lizardman subjugator
You see: Sthihasits the lizardman warrior
You see: Sitshas the lizardman warrior
You see: Llithlish the lizardman defender
You see: Sshiscesth the lizardman
You see: Kthythes the lizardman
You see: Sasisthasth the lizardman defender
You see: Isiss the lizardman defender
You see: Ssthyssths the lizardman warrior
You see: Lyssthih the lizardman subjugator
You see: Icythhlysy the lizardman defender
You see: Kthsythes the lizardman
You see: Isisys the lizardman defender
You see: Sthlythi the lizardman defender
You see: Tisiss the lizardman subjugator
You see: Yshmissa the lizardman
You see: Ylsthy the lizardman defender
You see: Ssthysths the lizardman warrior
You see: Iithsissh the lizardman marksman
You see: Siaththh the lizardman
You see: Iithsissh the lizardman marksman
You see: Sthlyly the lizardman
You see: Asiyss the lizardman archer
You see: Isshi the lizardman warrior
You see: Yssasisth the lizardman overseer
You see: Ytsthihs the lizardman king
You see: Alasthsiyss the lizardman warlock
You see: Lissysh the lizardman defender
Tisthhhsy the lizardman shama: Kal Vas Flam
You see: Sthmyss the lizardman shaman
You see: Ekthsisthh the lizardman warrior
You see: Lsthyssy the lizardman defender
You see: Yciethhlyly the lizardman warrior
You see: Kthystshas the lizardman warrior
I though it was over for ole Bayn. I was surrounded with at least four or five deep ranks of hissing, spitting, roaring, bad breathed lizards on all sides and I had forgotten to bring a recall scroll with me. I thought briefly about jellied ginseng, Babette and ohhh my darlin' Clementine before snapping back to battle awareness.
I healed and fought, parried and healed, swung my mace until my shoulder shrieked with agony. I msg'd Chelsea and mentioned I could use some help and she replied that they were in the midst of another giant spawn of them but were going to draw off some of the ones still lined up outside the door, waiting a turn to come in and pound the dickens outta me. They did succeed and the door closed once more. Thanks to Chelsea and the others, I had a fighting chance.
Now all I had to do was stay alive and keep swinging. I had managed to take out the warlock first, by pushing through the massed ranks at the expense of all my stamina. Eventually, after a very long time, I did slay all the hissing creatures and paused, shaking with reaction. I had been fortunate that only 4 or 5 could attack me at once and the explosions that some marksman lobbed at me did more damage to fellow liz invaders than me.
The group that had banded together was just north of the inn I was in...ummm, the place I was placed...ummm...oh you know what I mean! I waded through the hip high mound of bodies, my plate boots sloshing in the calf high lizard ichor. I opened the door to release the accumulated effluvium inside and joined Chelsea as she was battling a King. The King lost his crown, along with his head, and we moved on. At one point I whipped out the wand of life I had in my pack and ressed Adonis, the poet of love. He smiled beatifically and yoinked himself right in front of everybody!
The battle was longer than I could imagine human flesh being able to tolerate. As I said, for a change this time, I seemed to be on my own. I kept losing the group. But Belle Remings was there, as was Egbad Stormhawk. Chelsea Duklain and Adonis Agave. At one point, I consulted my magical Tome of Online and msg'd a couple other adventurers. Soon, Crozius Eisengrim, Wulf Stormrider, Kronos Leir, Loakie, and Max Runeblade were whetting their appetites and wetting their blades with the thick, cloying blood of lizardmen. There may have been more, I was too busy too look or make note, I am afraid.
The waves of invasion didn't seem they would ever stop. You'd think you'd have the last lizardmen choking in an attractive, hissing manner when another wave of lizardmen would scurry in, their gleaming claws clashing on the streets. What I hated most were the stinkin' Assassins. They were very good at very bad poisoning and had a fairly high level of health as well.
However, I have to say this was an enjoyable fight. It was easy to get overwhelmed but with a bit of thought and maneuvering, it just took endurance and a wee bit of luck, perhaps. The wee bit of luck for me occurred just after I left Chelsea's house. She has re-supplied me with bandages (Bless that Woman!) and I had just exited to take on a Subjugator and friends when again, everything stopped. This time it took a very long time for me to return to awareness and I expected to wake up with everything a shade of gray. But no, I was alive and there were bodies all about me. Quickly consulting the Tome of Online, I saw that many who had been there before were gone. Chelsea winked back into existence in her house and I asked if the the UtterDemon of Disconnect had attacked her as well. She replied "Aye" and I noticed other adventurers returning to the World.
I was just thankful to be alive. Finally, the city of Jhelom was nearly cleared up. The latter arrivals were sweeping through town, attacking anything that moved....so I stood very, very still. Ha! That's a little warrior joke, don't pay any attention to it.
Anyway, I felt the hours of battle fill me with deadly fatigue and since I felt it was just a matter of clearing out the remaining few invaders who had somehow missed our attention. I thus uttered a magical spell of recall (retrieved a scroll from the bank earlier as I was battling two defenders, now that takes coordination!) and I returned to my home.
I hope I did not miss anyone who was engaged in this battle, I don't know if any notes or clues concerning the Prophet were found. I haven't even checked the bags of loot I collected during the hours long endeavor. I just know that whenever there is danger, whenever there is need, the inhabitants of the World of Dreams responds with aclarity, honor and courage.