Ok, time for a serious question...

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Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:08 pm

I have a serious question to ask. If you have information that in any way shape or form resembles an answer, please post a reply. However, if your name begins with a "B", or you simply have some kind of deranged desire to start yet another flame session, please refrain.

Now, on to my question: firstly, let me say that I have killed, I think, nearly every critter on the shard, that I know of. I've been to every dungeon or place where critters spawn, that I know of, and cleared it out at least once. Now, my question is this: I see sooooo many people running around with these uber weapons, uber armor, and uber items I am wondering where and from what creatures have these things come from? This is an honest, serious question here, I'm not whining or complaining, I'm asking a question.

Seriously. I mean, the first time I encountered an ancient or royal I thought for sure, "This has got to be carrying something nice!" considering how tough they are- and possibly they sometimes do... but just not the couple hundred I've killed. I moved on to daemons, daemon spawn, etc. thinking much the same thing- only to find I was left still wanting... This cycle continued, for me, until I happened to be standing at the bank last night, and noticed a few of the items that various players had in their posession- I realized that weapons of destruction that also add bonuses to all 3 stats, or weapons of vampirism are not normal things one might find in the world, and that these were all quest items.

I stood there, once again pondering how to post on the forums about how there are so many people on the shard who pm'd me with messages that they completely agreed with me the first time I posted about quests and events being "clique-only" things, and how to do so without starting another flame-war. I realized it couldn't be done, because certain people would invariably open their mouths just to have something to bitch about... So I decided to simply ask those seemingly very lucky people at the bank where it was that they were getting their uber items. *crickets* I'll wait a minute or two, as someone might be typing... *crickets still* Ok, I'll ask again. *now the crickets start hearing crickets* Hmm... odd.

Now, bear in mind that a lot of these people are very nice people whom I have had much interaction with in the past. However, over the past several days, I have watched the same group, time and again, flock to the bank together, buff together, and gate off with usually not a word to anyone standing around them at the bank. Then, hours later, they all show up once again and start dividing up their plunder at the bank. And I can try to believe that quest events are not clique related? Off I go to kill some more ancients I guess...

Anyway... my question is this: If I want to find myself anything better than the hundreds of items of guarding and might I keep getting, what is it I'm supposed to kill? Where is it I'm supposed to fight? How does one go about having a chance of finding one of these uber-items I keep seeing people flaunt? Honestly. I would seriously like to know whatever the secret is, as I said, I thought I had been everywhere...
Celeste Kendreyl
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Postby Bassett on Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:24 pm

received private message shortly after :D
"was there some reason you decided to try to be funny on my last post, or were you just being your usual dick self?"
Last edited by Bassett on Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Bassett on Wed Apr 28, 2004 12:29 pm

The most common enemy for uberstuff seems to be Titan :)
"where'd ya git it?" "was killing monsters in hyth and titan dropped it" :)
I've surely got some nice items too from em, then there's the wind-people..black wisps etc. tend to give good magics once in a while.
And and and, dragons sometimes.
Level five treasuremap spawns(holds dragons-black wisps).
Chest scattered around the dungeons, wind has the biggest number of uber-chests so alot of people go lockpicking there.
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Re: Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby Bayn on Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:15 pm

Items are generated randomly. Monster type does however influence the "roll" of the dice. Other factors include location.

You've killed every npc type on the shard? You've gone all through Wind and Famine and explored every room of every dungeon level? I must complement you!

However, you can kill the toughest MOB 10 times and the sheer randomness of item generation may preclude your attaining an 'uber' item. WoD isn't the right place for people who are obsessed with instant gratification.

People don't flock to you and ask you to join them? hmmm, now that is curious.
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Postby Eldric on Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:29 pm

As others have said, monster drops are very random, though mob type does influence it somewhat. I've never really had a lot of luck getting good drops off upper end mobs, of the godonlyknows hundreds of Titans I've killed I got 1 silver weapon of destruction, all the other stuffs been junk far as I can remember. Think I was here about a year and a half or more before getting my first piece of plate armour of invulnrability, I do have a complete set of it now probably half to three quarters of which was made from benson potions, that's probably your best bet.

As far as equipemnt (non jewelry) of stat buff or vampirism or foo-slaying, those are pretty much always quest items.

In the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't worry overly much about having top-of-the-line stuff, it really dosn't make a huge difference (silver being a notable exception) +5 extra damage for destruction vs say +3 damage for maiming or in the case of armour 5-10 less damage for invul vs 3-6 less damage for protection.
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Re: Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby Joram Lionheart on Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 pm

The best advice I can give you on how to get "uber" wpns as you call them is, simply, to hunt often and for long sessions at a time. That's right, what you kill is not as important how much of it you kill and how often. If you go hunt orcs (for instace) for 5 hours you are almost certain to get something that's real good (well at least something you'd want to keep). Yes, I know, very few people have the time to hunt for 5 hours at a time and I'm not suggesting that you do either. People that end up doing it forget how detrimental powergaming is to their overall enjoyment of the game (and possibly physical health as well :P). If all you care about is getting uber items then the game is not worth playing anymore.

My point is if you really want to see results you need to put effort into it. Killing an Ancient once in a blue moon obviously does not count as sufficient effort. Killing an ancient is relatively easy, anyway. Having the availability to invest hours of gametime is not. Almost everyone I know that has gotten uber items realy quick has done so by hunting, consistently, for extended periods of time. In other words, the more junk you get (via hunting) the more likely you are to get a good item. There is not (sure) easy way to get a silver indestructible axe of destruction and swordsmanship. Well, unless you have the money purchase one :)

Celeste wrote:However, over the past several days, I have watched the same group, time and again, flock to the bank together, buff together, and gate off with usually not a word to anyone standing around them at the bank. Then, hours later, they all show up once again and start dividing up their plunder at the bank. And I can try to believe that quest events are not clique related? Off I go to kill some more ancients I guess...

Did you ever even consider asking them what was going on or if you could join them? I tell you, if I did not ask around, I would rarely ever found out if quests were taking place or not. Even my closest friends in the shard sometimes do not bother to invite me . . . so I invite myself, hehe. Well no, but at least I realize that had I not ask I would not have gotten the information I seek.

And remember that quests are for EVERYONE. If there is a quest taking place, NO ONE has the right to tell you you cannot participate. If you suspect somethings up, ask someone you think would know (someone who is part of your so-called cliques) and that person will in all likelihood give you the information you require. Also, when a quest is taking place, no one has the time to go recruiting people around the world and PMing them to come join the group (well sometimes we do but not too often). If you think a quest might be taking place it is up to you to try to get involve. The so-called cliques are not going to stop whatever they're doing (fighting to quest mobs for example) and go to your house and ask you to join just so they can be sure everyone is participating.

Oh and more thing. It is a horrible misconception that myth that says only people who partcipate in quests get to have quest items. It sure helps but it's not the only way. Purchasing quest items from other people is probably the number one way. Oh one more thing QUESTING IS NOT THE BEST WAY TO GET GREAT MAGIC ITEMS. This is another great myth. I almost NEVER get anything good from quests, and I mean almost never. By good of course I mean those special, real cool quest items (the funky colored ones and/or with unusual qualities). In a quest group of 10 people for instance, the chances that you'll get one of those two or three real good quest items are not very high. And if you do get one, it probably won't be the one you really wanted (doh!).
I just hate "rolling" for items I know I'm not going to get. That's why I like to make my own "luck" and go get the magic items I need for myself (that or buy them off Sebastena :)

Moral of the story: you engage in quest activities for the fun and enjoyment of it all, not to get the k3wL stuff.
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Re: Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby Tristan Gryphon on Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:05 pm

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:However, over the past several days, I have watched the same group, time and again, flock to the bank together, buff together, and gate off with usually not a word to anyone standing around them at the bank. Then, hours later, they all show up once again and start dividing up their plunder at the bank. And I can try to believe that quest events are not clique related? Off I go to kill some more ancients I guess...

You know Cel, I have listened to you whine for quite a while now. And yes, it is whining. No matter how many times you say that it isn't. The end result is that it is whining. I don't know if you are referring to the people that I hunt with, or not. Just about every night, we all take a trip to (insert dungeon here). We clear the whole thing out, and we come back to the bank to split the loot from the hunt. What you call "cliques", I call friends that I like to spend time with. We don't stand in the bank and announce to everyone that we are gonna go on a hunt. If you want to hunt with us, ask. We also have never turned anyone down (except Simon, and that is another story). That does not make us a "clique". And as far as quests go, the Sacred Map Qeust from the other night, is the first one I have participated in since the Branubian Quest. (oops, well see, there was a -mini quest- with finding Nana's Grocery list on Temple Island, that was a absolute hoot, remind me to write it up in the quest forum. I forgot to.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Not every group of people buffing to go somewhere is a quest. I like to hunt in large parties. I generally find people of the same thinking, and we hang out and hunt. Does that make us a clique? I don't think so. Many moons ago, I spent the first six months of my WoD life hunting solo (and having Ciara rez me) then hunting solo some more. I then started asking people if they minded if I tagged along on their hunts, ya know what? They said, "Sure, come along" The problem is that everyone is waiting for everyone else to come to them. Get off your high horse and ask if you want to hunt with others. It is easy. I think you will be surprised at the result.
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Re: Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby Joram Lionheart on Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:38 pm

If by cliques she means hunting with your friends then she is 100% correct. I like to go on hunts with my friends. There's no denying it. That doesn't mean I don't hunt with people I don't know, in fact, I often find myself doing that. But I can't say I make it a point to go look for strangers (i.e. people I don't know I can trust w/my life) to accompany me in my hunting expeditions.

Oh and Celeste, just because someone has never said hi to you or introduce themselves does not mean they are not friendly. Most people, like in real life, don't walk up to strangers and introduce themselves just like that. The easiest way to make friends in WoD is IMO to participate in Quests. Chatting in the bank all day does not gurantee people are going to seek you out to join their hunting groups either.

And like Tristan said, I don't turn people down from joining me on a hunt unless I have a good reason: (a) I want to hunt solo right now, (b) I'm about to finish and log off, or (c) I know you and I don't like/trust you (this is almost always related to do the way I know--from previous experience--the person handles him/herself in a quest or hunt).
Joram Lionheart
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Postby Atei on Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:03 pm

The best places I've found to get good magics are fishing (especially MiBs) and treasure chests. However, I've also gotten good magics from hunting everything from the Skara Brae Farms to the chests of Wind.

Let me give you a couple of examples: while doing a treasure chest map in the Skara Brae Farms, Whisper and I killed a ratman. It dropped an indy chain legs of magery. While fishing solo, I had just finished killing off net spawn when a water ele popped up. It dropped indy leather gloves of magery. While doing chests in Wind, Jazzy and I found a rugged maul of destruction. None of the other magics we got that day in Wind were worthy of keeping, but that maul sure was.

Another good way to get magics is guard quests.

Most importantly it's hunt, hunt, hunt. Then hunt some more. Just yesterday Ki'Anna and I were doing maps and we cleared the big Brigand Camp. We came out of there with 3 magics. None of them were "keepers" to us, but then, we've become quite picky since we both have good armor and good weapons. (One of them was a fine fencing buff, and to some, that would be a "keeper.")

Good luck!
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Re: Ok, time for a serious question...

Postby ShadowStone on Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:23 pm

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:So I decided to simply ask those seemingly very lucky people at the bank where it was that they were getting their uber items. *crickets* I'll wait a minute or two, as someone might be typing... *crickets still* Ok, I'll ask again. *now the crickets start hearing crickets* Hmm... odd.

Maybe they were AFWoD, or simply didn't see your text. There have been times when I was looking at the opposite side of the screen and never saw a question that was directed towards me. Usually people here will respond and talk to you unless they have a very good reason.

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Now, bear in mind that a lot of these people are very nice people whom I have had much interaction with in the past. However, over the past several days, I have watched the same group, time and again, flock to the bank together, buff together, and gate off with usually not a word to anyone standing around them at the bank. Then, hours later, they all show up once again and start dividing up their plunder at the bank. And I can try to believe that quest events are not clique related? Off I go to kill some more ancients I guess...

[puts on his best Dr. Evil voice]
Boo-hoo friggin' hoo.
How are you even sure they were going on quests? As others have replied, some people just like to hunt in large groups. When I first started, I loved both hunting in groups and solo. Whatver I felt like on that particular day. Nowadays, since I have all that "uber stuff" you were talking about, I value hunting more with other people, because those material possessions just don't do it anymore.

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Anyway... my question is this: If I want to find myself anything better than the hundreds of items of guarding and might I keep getting, what is it I'm supposed to kill? Where is it I'm supposed to fight? How does one go about having a chance of finding one of these uber-items I keep seeing people flaunt? Honestly. I would seriously like to know whatever the secret is, as I said, I thought I had been everywhere...

I found a good majority of my item (silver desty, indy magery/invoc) from chests in Wind, Famine, Hythloth, anywhere those nice high-level chests are. The other ways I've gotten those items are from buying/trading. In my years here I've managed to accumulate a *little* bit of a nest-egg, and use it whenever I need to buy good stuff. As Atei has also said, I've also found good stuff from mundane critters. My first buff ever found here was indy leather leggings of parry from a zombie north of the Brit GY. I think what it all boils down to, is the amount of time you spend hunting. More critters killed = more chance of a good item to drop. So maybe if you hunted half as much as you whined, you'd have lots of good stuff too :D
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:47 pm

Heh, oh well... like I said in my original post, I have no desire to fan any more flaming sessions, as it only serves to make our players sound like a bunch of children to outsiders browsing our boards, as well as to our own players who happen upon posts where fingers keep getting pointed...

I would like to say a sincere "Thank You" to those who posted replies with information. I have tried most of the methods described, but will try once more, and again, and again...

To answer a few of the questions posed from the people who were offering information, I'll try to answer in the order received...
First, to Eldric: oh, no hon... I wasn't meaning I want a full compliment of super-duper stuff... I'd really just like one, maybe even 2 things I truly treasured, and could look at and think all my hunting was worth it. But it just seems that no matter how many bags of loot I fill while out hunting, I get back to discover the best thing is a durable something of guarding or what have you...heh. Guess I just have real bad luck in that arena.
To Jormam: yeah, it is tough to find the time to hunt continuously for 5 hours or more, but I have managed to do it quite a few times, on weekends, etc... I take usually 5 or 6 bags to dump loot into, but end up with the same results as I said to Eldric... so, once again, I guess it's just a luck thing. And, yes hon, of course I stopped and asked what was happening. I got replies of crickets chirping or a turt "Quest..." as they headed off to where ever it was they were headed... Again, no matter. I'll keep on plugging along though...hehe. As for the participating in quests issue, I've already posted about that... and I was definitely not alone when I said I felt they are a thing reserved for when the most people, and most well known people, are on. Relax, I'm not starting... I'm stating. If I felt that way, and posted it, I just happen to be the one posting it. I received a total of 20 pm's concerning that issue and all said that I was not alone in feeling that way. It seems I was just the one saying it aloud, and was obviously not the only person here who feels that way. Regardless, I thank you, Joram, for your advice.
To Atei: I'm seriously thinking of taking up fishing and/or lockpicking... hehe I honestly hadn't thought of either of those skills as very useful, but I may have to change my template now. Thanks much for the advice.

Well, I think that sums up my replies. Thanks again to all who offered information, and I guess I'll see you out there clearing dungeons and dragging up MIB's...hehe. As was wished to me so many times here, I wish you good luck too in your endeavors! Happy hunting! :)

Celeste Kendreyl
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Postby Tristan Gryphon on Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:48 pm

Celeste Dear,

I guess the theme you see running through this thread, is that "Uber-items" that you see people running around with, come from spending a lot of time on the shard hunting and participating. Unless I miss my guess, you've been here what, about 2-3 months? Uber items as you call them can come from any level of beast at any time. The majority of the good items that I have, have come from many sources. From something as lowly as a skeleton in the Brit GY, to a high level chest in the bottom of Wind. Or I have earned gold to purchase them from an individual or off of the auctions. And on rare occasions, I have had friends of mine give them to me. I Love this place. No one can tell me that it isn't the best. But "all good things come to those who wait" I think is the phrase. Nothing comes easy. It just appears that you are wanting "everything" now. Without putting in the time and effort necessary to accumulate those things. Patience Dear. Patience. Take advantage of your opportunities. Work hard at it. It will come.
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Postby Bassett on Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:58 pm

Have fun now Celeste: i'm sorry for "*flame*"and you're welcome for the info :)
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Postby Bayn on Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:51 pm

Tristan Gryphon wrote:Celeste Dear,
... Unless I miss my guess, you've been here what, about 2-3 months? ... But "all good things come to those who wait" I think is the phrase. Nothing comes easy. It just appears that you are wanting "everything" now. Without putting in the time and effort necessary to accumulate those things. Patience Dear. Patience. Take advantage of your opportunities. Work hard at it. It will come.

I think that is what most people are seeing in her posts, Tristan. I've been here about eight months and I have found two indy items total. That is ok, I plan on being here a long time and I imagine more will come eventually.

People don't do newbies any favors when they outfit them completely from the beginning because often the newcomer feels they 'deserve' more and more and don't want to put in the patience and effort to achieve accomplisments and 'stuff' in a more honorable manner. Besides, becoming uber-equipped right away will destroy the challenge of the game.

Celeste, just hang in there hon. It'll be ok. You'll get lots of stuff over time.

So, you haven't been fishing? My oh my, you will experience MOBs you have not encountered before then. It is fun and exciting as well as moderately dangerous. I have lots and lots of fishing nets. If you need a partner sometime, let me know.
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Thu Apr 29, 2004 8:38 pm

Just wanted to let those who offered info know that it DID pay off for me, so I thank you once again. I took a trip to Hythloth, and pretty much just stayed there... for around 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Came out with over 50K and some magics- and upon identifying, I wound up with an indy fancy dress of archery. Sure, the rest were pretty much Bensons, but I really like the dress. Thanks very much for the advice, and trust that I will continue to plug away as I have for the past day or so... it's working very nicely. :)

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