Drocket wrote:You're probably right that it needs a new name
I believe it needs to be something a little more clearer than "in-game assistance", but along the same lines. All the other Forums make sense and are clear as to what they do, but I feel that the In-game assistance one sounds like you're paging a DM via the forums.
Fair enough though, Q&A is probably not the best title out there. What I would like to see though, is perhaps making it a little more clearer that it is a place to ask questions about UO, much like having like a 'manual' for the forums, that more people visit. So instead of people saying "have you read the manual?" we could say "have you checked the [manual] forum?"
thesaurus.com wrote: Question: ask about, catechize, challenge, cook, cross-examine, enquire, examine, go over, grill, hit, hit up, inquire, interrogate, interview, investigate, knock, make inquiry, petition, probe, pry, pump, query, quest, quiz, raise
Forum: appointment, argument, chalk talk, colloquium, colloquy, confabulation, conferring, congress, consultation, conversation, convocation, deliberation, discussion, forum, groupthink, huddle, interchange, interview, meeting, palaver, parley, powwow, rap, rap session, round table, seminar, symposium, talk, think-in, ventilation
Assistance: abetment, aid, assist, backing, benefit, boost, collaboration, comfort, compensation, cooperation, facilitation, furtherance, hand, help, helping hand, lift, reinforcement, relief, service, support, sustenance
I posted that above to help people (and myself) think of maybe some better words to use to describe the "in-game assistance" forum. Though obviously, taking them at random is a bad idea.
But, as I said, they are there to help get people thinking about what would be perhaps a more clearer - not better - name for the forum, and that is all that I asked for.
I will have a think on this too, and see if I can come up with something. I do like the subtitle for that Forum "post your in-game questions here", because it's specific and obvious what the intentions of the forum are. Though maybe, it could be "Have a question? Get an answer here" or something like that, in lieu with the new title. But still, first things first: a more clerer forum name.
Anyone reading this thread, I heartily suggest to make any suggestions known. I am sure when Drocket finds one that he thinks is best, it will certainly help the Forums and also the newer players who have questions.