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Just a simple Question

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:36 am
by Rena

Is there a way to find the highest number in a file, for instance:

Element 1234567
Rating i402

Element 7654321
Rating i622

In the two pieces of information above, is there a way to find the highest number out of those two ratings? And if so, is there a script I could reference?

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:51 am
by Drocket
Yep, its quite possible, though its slightly complicated. First, though, if you've created the file specifically for POL, you shouldn't put the 'i' in the Rating. If you're stuck with it (imported the file from something else...) then you can work around it.

The general code that you'd want would look something like the following (warning: Untested code thrown together on the spur of the moment)

Code: Select all
use uo;
use os;
use cfgfile;

program check_ratings (character, text)  //assuming its a dot command
var rating_cfg := ReadConfigFile ("File name here");//the file you're importing needs to be a .cfg file, located in a POL-accessible package.
if (!rating_cfg)
SendSysMessage (character, "Unable to find file!");

var keys := GetConfigIntKeys (rating_cfg) //Use GetConfigStringKeys if some of the keys are strings)
var highest_rating := 0;
var hightest_rating_key := 0;

foreach key in keys
   var theelem := GetConfigElem (rating_cfg, key);
   if (theelem and theelem.rating)
      if (theelem.rating > highest_rating)
         highest_rating := theelem.rating;
         highest_rating_key := key;

SendSysMessage (character, "The highest rating was " + highest_rating + " in element " + highest_rating_key);


If the 'i' has to stay there, then replace the 'foreach' section with something like:

Code: Select all
foreach key in keys
   var theelem := GetConfigElem (rating_cfg, key);
   var elemrating := theelem.rating;
   elemrating["i"] := "";
   elemrating := CINT (elemrating);
   if (elemrating)
      if (elemrating > highest_rating)
         highest_rating := elemrating;
         highest_rating_key := key;

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:35 am
by Rena
Well Drocket, you are a godsend, I have but one more question, how hard would it be to have it read the top three ratings in the file? Oh man, got to make things more complicated dont I? Anyways, if you could help me on this one, I would be most thankful.