Rared wrote:Well, actually, they did find 4 tons of uranium and some nuclear warheads filled with mustard and syrin gas in Iraq. So you can't say they didn't find anything, cause they did.
they have found some unrefined uranium i think it was yellowcake which cannot possibly be used to make weapons. they have found some binary arty shells which were leftovers from the iran iraq war as far as anyone can tell. heck some mook used a binary shell as part of their improvised bomb which was just painfully dumb. no explosive in one to speak of and if it isn't fired from a gun it doesn't mix the two chemicals into sarin.
you do realize that any chemical plant capable of making RAID is a chemical plant actually making nerve agents. bush et al have been chanting about wmd so long and hard that they have shot their world wide credibility just about to death. meanwhile things that should be stomped on get ignored. read up on what's going on in sudan for instance or zimbabwe and tell me that shouldn't be nipped in the bud.