Not quitting...

Much to the delight of some (and the dismay of others), I am here to offically announce that I am not quitting WoD. True, I have been off "shard-hopping," but as the old saying goes, there's no place like home. I will not bash the other shards I've been on, but suffice to say, WoD is home. In fact, I have learned quite a few things on those other shards, especially about battle tactics. I thought I knew tactics; turns out I knew nothing.
(When you die to Rats and Orcs despite being in plate armor, it's time to reassess your battle tactics.
Even if I could've found "the perfect shard," it wouldn't be "the perfect shard" without all of you, my WoD Family. While we may disagree at times, especially here on these Boards, we stick together in the end, and that's what counts. As Tamla pointed out in another thread, the Spirit of WoD is alive and well, in game anyway.
So, look for your friendly neighborhood Atei to be on-line tonight and this weekend.

Even if I could've found "the perfect shard," it wouldn't be "the perfect shard" without all of you, my WoD Family. While we may disagree at times, especially here on these Boards, we stick together in the end, and that's what counts. As Tamla pointed out in another thread, the Spirit of WoD is alive and well, in game anyway.

So, look for your friendly neighborhood Atei to be on-line tonight and this weekend.