program christmasgift
Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:36 am
by fitzchivary
how do i get this running drocket i cant seem to figure out how to get the gifts working so players can pick a gift
Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:37 am
by fitzchivary
some pics of the new houses and some new monsters i added well new animations i riped :> ... dpics.html
Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:37 am
by Drocket
Generally, you'd want to create an item in the player's backpack that is assigned that script. The past couple of years now, I've used the christmas tree deed object with its graphic changed to that of a box (usually I make 2, one red and one green, so everyone gets 2 presents.)
A general outline of the code you'd add to /scripts/misc/logon.src would be something like: (Untested code, just to give you an idea)
if (!GetAccountProperty (character.acctname, "christmas_gift_2003"))
var present := CreateItemInContainer (character.backpack, 0xB010, 1);
if (!present)
present.graphic := //something
present.color := //something := "a Christmas present";
present.usescript := ":drocket:christmasgift";
SetAccountProperty (character.acctname, "christmas_gift_2003", 1);