Well after reading Atei's thread about major changes it inspired me to post some info on a project I have been working on for the last few months.
I like many others have always loved the land of Britania. However, I always felt that T2A was wasted land, and on WOD it is not used at all. So that was part of the inspiration for my project. I have been building an entirely new T2A landmass complete with 3 new dungeons, 3 cities, 10 massive overland caves, several unique locations, and approx 30 new structures. Now this project is far from complete but it is progressing very well.
Ideally I would love to see the new lands used by a shard like WOD. I have made certain to only effect the T2A landmass and a small section of green acres, so that if it became a viable expansion for a shard, it would not change anything that currently exists in Britannia or current dungeons.
The new update would require a 20mb download for those interested in venturing to the new lands. But it would work in such a way that it would not be a required download to play on the shard (if you were only interested in staying in Britania that is).
Now I can certainly understand if the staff would not want to use these lands I have made. It is basically just a project that I wanted to do for it's own enjoyment level regardless of whether it is used or not. I only decided to post info about it because new lands could potentially spark some additional interest.
Click here for a few screen shots
Keep in mind there are still a few months of work that I need to do so the shots are a little rough but it gives you a general ideal of where it's at now. I am going to be posting shots from two of the cities and some of the other structures I built very soon but I just threw up some basics for now.