
In-character discussion

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Postby Are on Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:15 pm

Today I perished in the wilds of Britain bank, we shall not meet again.

To those who knew me, but didn't get any gifts, I am truly sorry. If it toutches you at all that I am gone for good, please reply to this message. I am intrigued at how many true friends I had there.



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Postby Kale Greeneye on Thu Apr 03, 2003 2:27 am

I dont think i know you but its always sad to see someone go.
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Postby Lyl on Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:08 am

Was there some reason you are leaving?
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Postby Are on Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:09 am

Even though the shard was very friendly and I could call all the players I knew my friends, the way the shard worked was not what I was looking for.

I came there because my friend recommended it and said it's a very friendly place and you get your skills capped real fast. Well that's one reason I decided to leave. It was actually pretty boring to be able to buy your skills all the way up.

The other thing is, I came there to have a good crafter. You can't be a crafter on WoD . The shard basicly based on hunting, which is sad - had crafting been an option to make money, WoD would have been the best shard ever, no matter what the top200 list sais. I did have a "tank" but hunting isn't the thing for me. Quests would propably have been fun, but they were always on at a time that didn't quite suite me.

Perhaps someday I shall return - it would be really great to meet all of you again. But in the meantime, I wish you all the best and by the way, if someone is looking for a spot for their house near Britain, there is one just north of britain with two fruit trees already planted :wink:
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Postby Wrathfire on Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:58 am


Sorry to see a fellow crafter go, Than. If there was one thing I would ask for, it'd be more ways to make money by creating good items. I do miss the calming mundane aspect of whacking on a mountain for ingots and smithing them into items that I could sell. I'm hoping that in the future, WoD will incorporate more tradeskill based income.

It'd be nice to have a relaxing alternative to running around screaming after being set on fire for 5 or 6 hours straight.

I'm going to see if Drocket and the others can come up with something like that. I'd be willing to help with that however I can.

If you decide to stay, great! Maybe together we can get something rolling. If not, happy hunting to you!
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Postby Cheres on Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:18 am

I feel bad for a friend like you leaving this shard :( . But I believe that after a month or two you will come back, hopefully :roll: . Until that, I shall place your heads in front of my house to remind us of you. May thy travels be safe and lead you here in the future.
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Postby Dell-Leafsong on Fri Apr 04, 2003 1:18 am

I've been on the shard a while now -- seems like a long time to all of you, eh? Anyhow, I've got a wife who's a pretty good fighter (and Chaos guard). She's not rolling in gold enough to buy up her skills to the cap yet - much less pay for mine too.

What i'm getting at it this....where the heck and how the heck long do you all hunt?! She's earning some gold lately thanks to all the highwaymen, but prior to that...WAY less. Is there some secret that we haven't heard yet?

Is it that you hunt for hours and hours at a time? Is there some sneaky way to earn gold? Anything? If it's really secret, drop me a PM. :D
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Postby Ehran on Fri Apr 04, 2003 3:57 am

If you just want to raise some cash your best bet is to hunt weak things in places where they congregate. the upper levels of most dungeons are good as well as a couple of the graveyards and the snow ork camp. you can kill a lot of snow orks with their 45 gp plus other worldly goods in the time it takes to find and kill an ogre lord for instance. it's also a lot less risky which keeps down the drain of death taxes.
if you go with a small group pretorians are excellent cash producers. gizash spends a not so small fortune on equipping them with plate armour which in turn you can recycle at only a modest loss (to gizash that is). they tend to have crummy magics though.
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Postby Alexander on Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:33 pm

I didn't know you myself but, I can definately understand. I left this place once before for verry similar reasons and came back, well some 3 years latter. I hope it's not that long for you.

As far as the craft issue, I do agree that it's not profitable but with 5 characters it's easy to be self reliant. I do however find that some craftable things do sell well on the open market like; mana stones, deeds, ingots and some foods. The problem is a simple thing of supply and demand. When people aren't selling there items, many times it's because half the shard are doing the same thing. Eventually most of them will get tired to doing that thing and stop while others continue. Occationally I've noticed that too many people might stop crafting and then someone posts wondering where they can get something and a flood of people start crafting again. Kind of a cycle then develpes.

For the hunting questions, It does get boring thats why RPing is so important to games like this. Thats what quests are all about is RPing. If you don't take part in them, I'd suggest you do what I do and find people like myself and a number of others to RP with (thats actually part of the reason why I haven't left for a second time). There are a couple of groups you might look at for that like the Virtue guards and the Red Fist who apparently just started up.

As for where to hunt, I like Covetous. If you clear it at the right speed you can make 50-60k in 3-4 hours. Make sure you have at least 3 empty back packs when you go there. If you go a little faster you can get 20k in an hour and a half.

Any how thats my 2 gold worth.

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