Your forum is very good, because you are answering very quickly. Thank you for that.
Anybody knows in which way damage in combat/weapons/itemdesc.cfg is calculated. For e.x.: 9d6 - damage is dice rolling from 9 to 6? Or it is a hex value? There are a lot of such examples in many cfg files.If I want my bow to do more damage what shall I do?
And now i want to ask some questions about scripting and WoD-scripts:
1. Do the scripts which you alowed for downloading are really exact WoD-scripts?(Just for interest)
2. The problem which I posted in some my post have continued...

3. If I want to make poison arrows can i make them to reffer to pkg/rogueskills/poisoning/poisondamage.ecl? Or I have to make my own script?
4. Can I make a different projectile bow? I mean to make a bow which can fire with for e.x firearrows and arrows?
5. I have such problem with your proffesional dye tub:
When I'm choosing standart color for e.x black(dark-grey), a menu appears with different colors, but without any black, grey and white color. How can i change it?
6. Why does everywhere in healing for Pol095 you can never find bloody bandages??? I have never found a healing script, where bandages become bloody bandages, they just dissapear. I of course made such script, but there is always a bloody bandage in desc, but there isn't in scripts.
Sorry for that I ask to many questions, but on Russian sites I usually have to wait for 3 days minimum

P.S: sorry for my english, but when I'm writing these posts I usually forget how it is in English

Thanks for future answers.(I don't know how it is correctly in english, but I hope you will understand me.)